Script Combination for Enhanced Story Understanding and Story Generation Systems, Megan McKenzie, Alexis Kilayko, Jamie C. Macbeth, Scott Carter, Katharine Sieck, and Matthew Klenk
Stress-Related Psychopathology During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Katie A. McLaughlin, Maya L. Rosen, Steven W. Kasparek, and Alexandra M. Rodman
Evaluating Molecular Xenomonitoring as a Tool for Lymphatic Filariasis Surveillance in Samoa, 2018–2019, Brady McPherson, Helen J. Mayfield, Angus McLure, Katherine Gass, Take Naseri, Robert Thomsen, Steven A. Williams, Nils Pilotte, Therese Kearns, Patricia M. Graves, and Colleen L. Lau
The Ubiquitin Ligase Siah2 is a Female-Specific Regulator of Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism, Tsedey Mekbib, Ting Chung Suen, Aisha Rollins-Hairston, Kiandra Smith, Ariel Armstrong, Cloe Gray, Sharon Owino, Kenkichi Baba, Julie E. Baggs, J. Christopher Ehlen, Gianluca Tosini, and Jason P. DeBruyne
Climate Mitigation from U.S. Agricultural Soils: Technical Potential, Costs, and Policy Options, Lucy Metz
Ephemeral Design and International Politics in Roman National Churches, John E. Moore
A New Measure of Digital Economic Activity and its Impact on Local Opportunity, Karen Mossberger, Scott LaCombe, and Caroline J. Tolbert
Emerging Roles for the Orphan Gpcrs, Gpr37 And Gpr37 L1, in Stroke Pathophysiology, Sabra Mouhi, Breona Martin, and Sharon Owino
Of Mutualism and Migration: Will Interactions with Novel Ericoid Mycorrhizal Communities Help or Hinder Northward Rhododendron Range Shifts?, Taryn L. Mueller, Elena Karlsen-Ayala, David A. Moeller, and Jesse Bellemare
Gendered Violence and Narrative Erasure: Women in Athol Fugard's Tsotsi and Gavin Hood's Tsotsi, Katwiwa Mule
Assessing the Degree of Ecological Validity of Your Study: Introducing the Multidimensional Assessment of Research in Context (MARC) Tool, Sandra Naumann, Michelle L. Byrne, Alethia de la Fuente, Anita Harrewijn, Tehila Nugiel, Maya Rosen, Nienke van Atteveldt, and Pawel J. Matusz
Across the Road and Beyond: Envisioning the Future of Big Night Within the Amherst Socio-Ecological System, Katie O'Dea, Isabella Viselli, and Marissa Meadows-McDonnell
Extracellular DNAses Facilitate Antagonism and Coexistence in Bacterial Competitor-Sensing Interference Competition, Aoi Ogawa, Christophe Golé, Maria Bermudez, Odrine Habarugira, Gabrielle Joslin, Taylor McCain, Autumn Mineo, Jennifer Wise, Julie Xiong, Katherine Yan, and Jan A.C. Vriezen
Pop-Up Geometry: The Mathematics Behind Pop-Up Cards, Joseph O'Rourke
Deception-Based Knowledge in Indigenous and Scientific Societies American Indian Tricksters and Experimental Research Designs, Yancey Orr and Raymond Orr
Quantum Counter-Terms for Lattice Field Theory on Curved Manifolds, Evan K. Owen, Casey E. Berger, Richard C. Brower, George T. Fleming, Andrew D. Gasbarro, and Timothy G. Raben
Classification Accuracy of the Quick Interactive Language Screener for Preschool Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder, Amy Pace, Maura Curran, Amanda Owen Van Horne, Jill de Villiers, Aquiles Iglesias, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Mary S. Wilson, and Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
The Link between Democratic Institutions and Population Health in the American States, Julianna Pacheco and Scott LaCombe
Monetary Sanctions and Housing Instability, Mary Pattillo, Erica Banks, Brian Sargent, and Daniel J. Boches
New Spaces for a New Midwifery at the Lying-In Hospital of the City of New York, Kathleen Pierce
Targeting a Highly Repetitive Genomic Sequence for Sensitive and Specific Molecular Detection of the Filarial Parasite Mansonella perstans from Human Blood and Mosquitoes, Nils Pilotte, Tamara Thomas, Michael F. Zulch, Allison R. Sirois, Corrado Minetti, Lisa J. Reimer, Steven A. Williams, and Lori J. Saunders
Adapting a Narrative Curriculum to a Remote Format in the Context of Socially Distanced Middle School Education Resulting from COVID-19, Jeremiah Piña, Rebecca Mazur, Glenn Ellis, Al Rudnitsky, Beth McGinnis-Cavanaugh, Sonia Ellis, Isabel Huff, and Crystal M. Ford
Beyond (and Before) the Transnational Turn: Recovering Civil Disobedience as Decolonizing Praxis, Erin Pineda
Disobedience, Erin Pineda
Response to Paul A. Passavant’s Review of Seeing like an Activist: Civil Disobedience and the Civil Rights Movement, Erin Pineda
Accountable Data: The Politics and Pragmatics of Disclosure Datasets, Lindsay Poirier
Data, Knowledge Practices, and Naturecultural Worlds: Vehicle Emissions in the Anthropocene, Lindsay Poirier
Raise the Bar, Marney C. Pratt
The Psychology of Hate: Moral Concerns Differentiate Hate from Dislike, Clara Pretus, Jennifer L. Ray, Yael Granot, William A. Cunningham, and Jay J. Van Bavel
The Oldest Mineralized Bryozoan? A Possible Palaeostomate in the Lower Cambrian of Nevada, USA, Sara B. Pruss, Lexie Leeser, Emily F. Smith, Andrey Yu Zhuravlev, and Paul D. Taylor
Integrated Xenosurveillance of Loa loa, Wuchereria bancrofti, Mansonella perstans and Plasmodium falciparum Using Mosquito Carcasses and Faeces: A Pilot Study in Cameroon, Joseph Pryce, Nils Pilotte, Benjamin Menze, Allison R. Sirois, Michael Zulch, Jean Pierre Agbor, Steven A. Williams, Charles S. Wondji, and Lisa Reimer
The Rural State: Making Comunidades, Campesinos, and Conflict in Peru's Central Sierra, Javier Puente
Presentación al Dossier: Modelando Regiones Naturales: Capitalismo, Medio Ambiente y la Geografía del Perú Pos-Colonial, Javier Puente and Adrián Lerner
Intact Polar brGDGTs in Arctic Lake Catchments: Implications for Lipid Sources and Paleoclimate Applications, Jonathan H. Raberg, Edgart Flores, Sarah E. Crump, Greg de Wet, Nadia Dildar, Gifford H. Miller, Áslaug Geirsdóttir, and Julio Sepúlveda
Review: Valentyn Vasyanovych: Crepuscule (Prysmerk, 2014), Tom Roberts
Social Behavior and Youth Psychopathology during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study, Alexandra M. Rodman, Maya L. Rosen, Steven W. Kasparek, Makeda Mayes, Liliana Lengua, Andrew N. Meltzoff, and Katie A. McLaughlin
Hoarding Disorder: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide, Carolyn I. Rodriguez and Randy O. Frost
Does Shrub Encroachment Reduce Foraging Grass Abundance through Plant-Plant Competition in Lesotho Mountain Rangelands?, Meredith Root-Bernstein and Colin Hoag
Digital Intimacy in Real Time: Live Streaming Gender and Sexuality, Bo Ruberg and Johanna Brewer
The Transition Matrix Between the Specht and 𝔰𝔩3 Web Bases is Unitriangular With Respect to Shadow Containment, Heather M. Russell and Julianna Tymoczko
The Short-Form of the Coparenting Across Family Structures Scale (copafs-27): A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Michael A. Saini, Marsha Kline Pruett, and Jonathan Alschech
The Role of Slow Slip Events in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Cycle, Juliette P. Saux, Elias G. Molitors Bergman, Eileen L. Evans, and John P. Loveless
Remembering and Rebuilding: Russia and Ukraine in the Postsoviet Era, 1988-2018, Vera Shevzov
Russia, Orthodox Church in, Vera Shevzov
Mice Lacking Full Length Adgrb1 (bai1) Exhibit Social Deficits, Increased Seizure Susceptibility, and Altered Brain Development, Fu Hung Shiu, Jennifer C. Wong, Takahiro Yamamoto, Trisha Lala, Ryan H. Purcell, Sharon Owino, Dan Zhu, Erwin G. Van Meir, Randy A. Hall, and Andrew Escayg
Taxon-Rich Transcriptomics Supports Higher-Level Phylogeny and Major Evolutionary Trends in Foraminifera, Roberto Sierra, Florian Mauffrey, Joana Cruz, Maria Holzmann, Andrew J. Gooday, Xyrus Maurer-Alcalá, Rabindra Thakur, Mattia Greco, Agnes K.M. Weiner, Laura A. Katz, and Jan Pawlowski
Illuminating Protist Diversity in Pitcher Plants and Bromeliad Tanks, Robin S. Sleith and Laura A. Katz
Cell-Type-Specific Circadian Bioluminescence Rhythms in Dbp Reporter Mice, Ciearra B. Smith, Vincent van der Vinne, Eleanor McCartney, Adam C. Stowie, Tanya L. Leise, Blanca Martin-Burgos, Penny C. Molyneux, Lauren A. Garbutt, Michael H. Brodsky, Alec J. Davidson, Mary E. Harrington, Robert Dallmann, and David R. Weaver
Celebrating Faculty Scholarship, Smith College
Celebrating Faculty Scholarship 2021/22, Smith College Libraries
Early-Childhood Temperament Moderates the Prospective Associations of Coping with Adolescent Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms, Michele R. Smith, Krystal H. Parrish, Lisa Shimomaeda, Maureen Zalewski, Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra Rodman, Steven Kasparek, Makeda Mayes, Andrew N. Meltzoff, Katie A. McLaughlin, and Liliana J. Lengua
Fields of Revision: Adaptations of Wren’s Elegy by Mo Yun-suk and Kim Ki-young, Irhe Sohn and Ki-In Chong
Diminishing Winters and the Future of Winter Recreation, Annabel Stattelman-Scanlan, Kaia Cormier, Naina Bhargava, and Marge Poma Alarcon
A Comparison of Stress, Symptoms, Physical Activity, and Adiposity Among Women at Midlife Before and During the Pandemic, Lynnette Leldy Stevert, Sofiya Shreyer, Ashley Boudreau, Sarah Witkowski, and Daniel E. Brown
Black Well-Being: Health and Selfhood in Antebellum Black Literature, Andrea Stone
Rethinking the Benefits of Tadoku: The Effectivness of "Tiny Tadoku Habits" on Learners' Sense of Well-Being | 多読によるプラス要素の再考察: 通常授業内「ちょこっと多読」がもたらす学習者のウェルビーイングへの有効性, Atsuko Takahashi and Chikako Hirayama Cooke
ポストコロナの日本語授業に向けて: 遠隔から対面授業を体験した初級学習者の継続的な観察からわかること, Atsuko Takahashi and Yuko Takahashi
Input from Torus Longitudinalis Drives Binocularity and Spatial Summation in Zebrafish Optic Tectum, Alexander L. Tesmer, Nicholas P. Fields, and Estuardo Robles
W.S. Merwin’s “Retirement”: Late Style and Themes in the 1990s and After, Michael Thurston
Epigenetic Influences of Mobile Genetic Elements on Ciliate Genome Architecture and Evolution, Caitlin M. Timmons, Shahed U.A. Shazib, and Laura A. Katz
Naked Mole-Rat Social Phenotypes Vary in Investigative and Aggressive Behavior in a Laboratory Partner Preference Paradigm, Ilapreet Toor, Rashoun Maynard, Xinye Peng, Annaliese K. Beery, and Melissa M. Holmes
Microbial Ecology of a Shallow Alkaline Hydrothermal Vent: Strýtan Hydrothermal Field, Eyjafördur, Northern Iceland, Katrina I. Twing, L. M. Ward, Zachery K. Kane, Alexa Sanders, Roy Edward Price, H. Lizethe Pendleton, Donato Giovannelli, William J. Brazelton, and Shawn E. McGlynn
Richard Wagners Amerika : eine Ausgrabung, Hans Rudolf Vaget
Upton Sinclair, Hans Rudolf Vaget
Sex differences in the reward value of familiar mates in prairie voles, Daniel M. Vahaba, Emily R. Halstead, Zoe R. Donaldson, Todd H. Ahern, and Annaliese K. Beery
Learning is Water Reflection, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti
Translanguaging, Multilingualism, and Multimodality in Children's Mathematics Learning, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti
The Other in The Self: The Ontological Metaphoricity of Language, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti and Melissa Freeman
A Theory of Crime and Vigilance, Jorge Vásquez
Why Do You Dance When You Walk?, Abdourahman A. Waberi, David Bell, and Nicola Bell
Live Music in America: A History from Jenny Lind to Beyoncé, Steve Waksman
Long-Term Rotational Evolution of the STIS CCD Flatfields, Kimberly Ward-Huong, S. Lockwood, J. Debes, and R. J. De Rosa
Phototrophy and Carbon Fixation in Chlorobi Postdate the Rise of Oxygen, L. M. Ward and Patrick M. Shih
Examining the Relationship Between the Testate Amoeba Hyalosphenia papilio (Arcellinida, Amoebozoa) and its Associated Intracellular Microalgae Using Molecular and Microscopic Methods, Agnes K.M. Weiner, Billie Cullison, Shailesh V. Date, Tomáš Tyml, Jean Marie Volland, Tanja Woyke, Laura A. Katz, and Robin S. Sleith
Exposure to Violence as an Environmental Pathway Linking Low Socioeconomic Status with Altered Neural Processing of Threat and Adolescent Psychopathology, David G. Weissman, Maya L. Rosen, Natalie L. Colich, Kelly A. Sambrook, Liliana J. Lengua, Margaret A. Sheridan, and Katie A. McLaughlin
Women, Money, and Political Participation in the Middle East, Bozena Welborne
The Ecological Factor: Culvert Assessment for Replacement or Removal in Northampton, MA, Isa West, Clio Bate, and Rory Haff
Social Movements : Identity, Culture, and the State, Nancy Whittier, David S. Meyer, and Belinda Robnett
The Gift of Giving: Recognizing Donors and Revealing Donation Amounts, K. Pun Winichakul
Decarbonizing the Massachusetts Teachers Association and Strategizing for Carbon Free Schools, Allison Wray, Maeve Morrow, and Jessica Brown
ALMA Discovery of a Disk around the Planetary-Mass Companion Sr 12 C, Ya Lin Wu, Brendan P. Bowler, Patrick D. Sheehan, Laird M. Close, Joshua A. Eisner, William M.J. Best, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Zhaohuan Zhu, and Adam L. Kraus
Interleaving a Symbolic Story Generator with a Neural Network-Based Large Language Model, Jingwen Xiang, Zoie Zhao, Mackie Zhou, Megan McKenzie, Alexis Kilayko, Jamie C. Macbeth, Scott Carter, Katharine Sieck, and Matthew Klenk
Continuous Operator Authentication for Teleoperated Systems Using Hidden Markov Models, Junjie Yan, Kevin Huang, Kyle Lindgren, Tamara Bonaci, and Howard J. Chizeck
Meeting U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goals with the International Air Pollution Provision of the Clean Air Act, Mei Yuan, Alexander R. Barron, Noelle E. Selin, Paul D. Picciano, Lucy E. Metz, John M. Reilly, and Henry D. Jacoby
Comparison of Caregiver- and Child-Reported Quality of Life in Children With Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Phoebe Kuo Yu, Kaitlyn Cook, Jiayan Liu, Raouf S. Amin, Craig Derkay, Lisa M. Elden, Susan L. Garetz, Alisha S. George, Sally Ibrahim, Stacey L. Ishman, Erin M. Kirkham, S. Kamal Naqvi, Jerilynn Radcliffe, Kristie R. Ross, Gopi B. Shah, Ignacio E. Tapia, H. Gerry Taylor, David A. Zopf, Susan Redline, and Cristina M. Baldassari
Hope, Sound, and the Materiality of Print in Frances Ellen Watkins Harper's Periodical Poems, Magdalena Zapędowska
James Monroe Whitfield's "The Vision": Apocalypse and the Black Periodical Press, Magdalena Zapędowska
Prolonged Drying Trend Coincident with the Demise of Norse Settlement in Southern Greenland, Boyang Zhao, Isla S. Castañeda, Jeffrey M. Salacup, Elizabeth K. Thomas, William C. Daniels, Tobias Schneider, Gregory A. de Wet, and Raymond S. Bradley
Novel Primitive Decompositions for Real-World Physical Reasoning, Mackie Zhoou, Bridget Duah, and Jamie C. Macbeth
HST/WFC3 Hα Direct-imaging Detection of a Pointlike Source in the Disk Cavity of AB Aur, Yifan Zhou, Aniket Sanghi, Brendan P. Bowler, Ya-Lin Wu, Laird M. Close, Feng Long, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Zhaohuan Zhu, Adam L. Kraus, and Jaehan Bae
Pervasive Neglect of Sex Differences in Biomedical Research, Irving Zucker, Brian J. Prendergast, and Annaliese K. Beery
Direct and Indirect Effects of Altered Temperature Regimes and Phenological Mismatches on Insect Populations, Mariana Abarca and Ryan Spahn
Party in the USA (Waste): Evaluating Solid Waste Hauling in Amherst, MA, Sydney A. Abraham, Madison P. Biasin, Ella V.H. Carlson, and Taylor J. Ditmar
Emerging Investigator Series: Interacting Effects of Environmental Factors on: Daphnia magna Removal of Escherichia coli from Wastewater, Seyyed M.H. Abtahi, Ojaswi Aryal, and Niveen S. Ismail
Natural Variation in the Oxytocin Receptor Gene and Rearing Interact to Influence Reproductive and Nonreproductive Social Behavior and Receptor binding, Todd H. Ahern, Sara Olsen, Ryan Tudino, and Annaliese K. Beery
Kwame Nkrumah : Visions of Liberation, Jeffrey Ahlman
Why Did the Salamander Cross the Road? Improving the Amherst Amphibian Tunnels Through Community Engagement and Physical Infrastructure, Asli Ali, Julianne Borger, Rose Callanan, and Sadie Wiese
Co-Optimization is Critical to the Energy Transition, C. Lindsay Anderson and Judith Cardell
Testosterone Amplifies the Negative Valence of an Agonistic Gestural Display by Exploiting Receiver Perceptual Bias, Nigel K. Anderson, Martina Grabner, Lisa A. Mangiamele, Doris Preininger, and Matthew J. Fuxjager