


An Appeal to AI Superintelligence: Reasons to Preserve Humanity, James D. Miller


Will Artificial Superintelligence Kill Us?, James D. Miller


Effect of Tamoxifen on Proteome Expression during In Vitro Myogenesis in Murine Skeletal Muscle C2C12 Cells, Emily A. Morris, Ahlenne Abreu, and S. P. Scordilis


Organic Chemistry II, Layne Morsch, Steven Farmer, Krista Cunningham, Zachery Sharrett, and Kevin M. Shea


Before American History: Nationalist Mythmaking and Indigenous Dispossession, Christen Mucher


Toward a Social Justice Emphasis in Preservice Teachers’ Inquiries in Small Liberal Arts Contexts, Lucy W. Mule

African Agency in Democracy Promotion: The African Union and Election Observation in Malawi, Anna Kapambwe Mwaba


Direct Election, Bureaucratic Appointment, and Local Government Responsiveness in Taiwan, Sara A. Newland


Introduction to the Symposium: China and the Campus, Sara A. Newland


Teaching Chinese Politics in the “New Cold War”: A Survey of Faculty, Sara A. Newland


Recreation of Smith Dorm Room, Catherine Park


Influence of Feedstock and Moisture Content in a Continuous Feed Screw Torrefier, Anna H. Partridge, Isabella Casini, Denise A. McKahn, David Carter, Charles Chamberlin, Arne Jacobson, Kyle Palmer, Yaad Rana, and Mark Severy


The Challenges and Benefits of Using Meadows to Enrich College Landscapes, Sophia Patt


Correlating Changes in Spot Filling Factors With Stellar Rotation: The Case of Lkca 4, Facundo Pérez Paolino, Jeffrey S. Bary, Michael S. Petersen, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Benjamin M. Tofflemire, Katherine B. Follette, and Heidi Mach

The Long Field: Wales and the Presence of Absence: A Memoir, Pamela Petro


Childhood Trauma and Brain Structure in Children and Adolescents, Matthew Peverill, Maya L. Rosen, Lucy A. Lurie, Kelly A. Sambrook, Margaret A. Sheridan, and Katie A. McLaughlin


Attending to the Cultures of Data Science Work, Lindsay Poirier


Generic interpretations of Possessive Recursion in English-Speaking Children, Tyler Poisson, Jill de Villiers, Hirsto Kyuchukov, Bea Weinand, Lilly Young, Sofia Morales, and Laisha Aniceto


Decomposition of Beatty and Complementary Sequences, Geremías Polanco


Community Centers as Hubs for Collective Wellbeing, Rosa Porta


Activist Memoirs Database, Rose Porta; Denys M. Candy; and Jandon Center for Community Engagement, Smith College


Beyond the Symptom: The Biology of Fatigue, David M. Raizen, Janet Mullington, Christelle Anaclet, Gerard Clarke, Hugo Critchley, Robert Dantzer, Ronald Davis, Kelly L. Drew, Josh Fessel, Patrick M. Fuller, Erin M. Gibson, Mary Harrington, W. Ian Lipkin, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Nancy Klimas, Anthony L. Komaroff, Walter Koroshetz, Lauren Krupp, Anna Kuppuswamy, Julie Lasselin, Laura D. Lewis, Pierre J. Magistretti, Heidi Y. Matos, Christine Miaskowski, Andrew H. Miller, Avindra Nath, Maiken Nedergaard, Mark R. Opp, Marylyn D. Ritchie, Dragana Rogulja, Asya Rolls, and John D. Salamone

Sustainability and the Philosophy of Science, Jeffry L. Ramsey


Issue 2: Sátya, Michela Rawson, Joe Sweeney, Harry Honig, Hebe Guo, Abby Murphy, Clara Kim, Ilan Liebmann, and Laila Al Ghandi

The Digital Departed: How We Face Death, Commemorate Life, and Chase Virtual Immortality, Timothy Recuber


Adenotonsillectomy for Snoring and Mild Sleep Apnea in Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Susan Redline, Kaitlyn Cook, Ronald D. Chervin, Stacey Ishman, Cristina M. Baldassari, Ron B. Mitchell, Ignacio E. Tapia, Raouf Amin, Fauziya Hassan, Sally Ibrahim, Kristie Ross, Lisa M. Elden, Erin M. Kirkham, David Zopf, Jay Shah, Todd Otteson, Kamal Naqvi, Judith Owens, Lisa Young, Susan Furth, Heidi Connolly, Caron A.C. Clark, Jessie P. Bakker, Susan Garetz, Jerilynn Radcliffe, H. Gerry Taylor, Carol L. Rosen, and Rui Wang

The Master, Patrick Rimbaud, David Ball, and Nicole Ball


Seeing Soldiers Work: Ukrainian Cinema and the Future of Labor, Tom Roberts


Ungrading for Cartographic Education: Reflections from Small Undergraduate Classes, Heather Rosenfeld

Messa di Requiem, Nino Rota and Jonathan Hirsh


Updated Virophage Taxonomy and Distinction from Polinton-Like Viruses, Simon Roux, Matthias G. Fischer, Thomas Hackl, Laura A. Katz, Frederik Schulz, and Natalya Yutin


Updated Virophage Taxonomy and Distinction from Polinton-Like Viruses, Simon Roux, Matthias G. Fischer, Thomas Hackl, Laura A. Katz, Frederik Schulz, and Natalya Yutin


OpenASAP: An Affordable 3D Printed Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP) Mass Spectrometry System for Direct Analysis of Solid and Liquid Samples, Robert Samples, Rico Mukoyama, Jacob Shaffer, Jill Mikucki, and Lesley Ann Giddings


Genomic and Phenotypic Characterization of a Red-Pigmented Strain of Massilia frigida Isolated from an Antarctic Microbial Mat, Jacob M.C. Scaffer, Lesley Ann Giddings, Robert M. Samples, and Jill A. Mikucki


The Effect of Safety Net Generosity on Maternal Mental Health and Risky Health Behaviors, Lucie Schmidt, Lara D. Shore-Sheppard, and Tara Watson


Evaluation of EDISON's Data Science Competency Framework Through a Comparative Literature Analysis, Karl R. B. Schmitt, Linda Clark, Katherine M. Kinnaird, Ruth E. H. Wertz, and Björn Sandstede


Open Education Network, ScholarWorks, Smith College


Spotlight on Climate Change, ScholarWorks, Smith College


Racism as a Source of Pain, Howard Schubiner, Benita Jackson, Kristine M. Molina, John A. Sturgeon, Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, Mark A. Lumley, Jallicia Jolly, and Zina Trost


Interspecies Differences in Food Sources for the Tropical Callichirid Shrimp Neocallichirus spp. on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Koji Seike and H. Allen Curran


Outcomes for Binge Eating Disorder in a Remote Weight-Inclusive Treatment Program: A Case Report, Caitlin B. Shepherd, Rebecca G. Boswell, Jessica Genet, Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, Christine Stockert, Rebecca Brumm, Shaun Riebl, and Elsbeth Crowe


Rhythms in Barriers and Fluids: Circadian Clock Regulation in the Aging Neurovascular Unit, Lea Skapetze, Sharon Owino, Eng H. Lo, Ken Arai, Martha Merrow, and Mary Harrington


Climate Change Research at Smith College, Smith College


Celebrating Faculty Scholarship 2023, Smith College Libraries


Smith ScholarWorks Collection Scope, Smith College Libraries

Real Clothes, Real Lives : 200 Years of What Women Wore, Kiki Smith


Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative α-Amination of Ketones with Primary and Secondary Sulfonamides, Fubin Song, So Hyun Park, Christine Wu, and Alexandra E. Strom


Fat Stories, Susan Stinson


Absorbance Measurements From Normal-hearing Ears in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2015–2016 and 2017–2020, Jiayi Sun, Nicholas J. Horton, and Susan E. Voss


Public Works Programmes and Agricultural Risk: Evidence from India, Vis Taraz


The Borders of Theory: Towards an Artful Ontology of Knowing in Qualitative Research, Cristina Valencia Mazzanti


DTI Classroom Blender Model, Yuhan Wang


Single-Cell Transcriptomics Supports Presence of Cryptic Species and Reveals Low Levels of Population Genetic Diversity in Two Testate Amoebae Morphospecies with Large Population Sizes, Agnes K.M. Weiner, Taylor Sehein, Auden Cote-L’Heureux, Robin S. Sleith, Mattia Greco, Clara Malekshahi, Chase Ryan-Embry, Naomi Ostriker, and Laura A. Katz


The ‘Others’ in John Lanchester’s The Wall, Gregory White


Physical Activity and Exercise for Hot Flashes: Trigger or Treatment?, Sarah Witkowski, Rose Evard, Jacquelyn J. Rickson, Quinn White, and Lynnette Leidy Sievert


Malthi in Media: Peopling an Ancient Village in Virtual Space, Rebecca Worsham, Sarah Kam, Annika Lof, Nora Sullivan, and Aurora Bagley


Episode 11: Susannah Howe, DC Director, Harriet Wright, Sophie Yates, and Susannah Howe


Prevalence, Co-Occurring Difficulties, and Risk Factors of Developmental Language Disorder: First Evidence for Mandarin-Speaking Children in a Population-Based Study, Saishuang Wu, Jin Zhao, Jill de Villiers, Xueman Lucy Liu, Eric Rolfhus, Xiaoning Sun, and et al

Comparison of Caregiver- and Child-Reported Quality of Life in Children With Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Phoebe Kuo Yu, Kaitlyn Cook, Jiayan Liu, Raouf S. Amin, Craig Derkay, Lisa M. Elden, Susan L. Garetz, Alisha S. George, Sally Ibrahim, Stacey L. Ishman, Erin M. Kirkham, S. Kamal Naqvi, Jerilynn Radcliffe, Kristie R. Ross, Gopi B. Shah, Ignacio E. Tapia, H. Gerry Taylor, David A. Zopf, Susan Redline, and Cristina M. Baldassari


Testing the Interaction Between a Substellar Companion and a Debris Disk in the Hr 2562 System, Stella Yimiao Zhang, Gaspard Duchêne, Robert J. De Rosa, Megan Ansdell, Quinn Konopacky, Thomas Esposito, Eugene Chiang, Malena Rice, Brenda Matthews, Paul Kalas, Bruce Macintosh, Franck Marchis, Stan Metchev, Jenny Patience, Julien Rameau, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Schuyler Wolff, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Christine H. Chen, Jeffrey K. Chilcotte, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Katherine B. Follette, Benjamin L. Gerard, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, and Li Wei Hung


More Human than Human: LLM-Generated Narratives Outperform Human-LLM Interleaved Narratives, Zoie Zhao, Sophie Song, Bridget Duah, Jamie C. Macbeth, Scott Carter, Monica Van, Nayeli Bravo, Matthew Klenk, Katherine Sieck, and Alexandre Filipowicz



Dies Legibiles II


Barriers to Mental Health Service Use Among Palestinian-Arab Women in Israel: Psychological Distress as Moderator, Fareeda Abo-Rass, Sarah Abu-Kaf, and Ora Nakash


Social Support and Psychological Distress Among the Bedouin Arab Elderly in Israel: The Moderating Role of Gender, Sarah Abu-Kaf, Ora Nakash, Tsahi Hayat, and Michal Cohen


Well Excuse Me! Replicating and Connecting Excuse-Seeking Behaviors, Beatriz Ahumada, Yufei Chen, Neeraja Gupta, Kelly Hyde, Marissa Lepper, Will Mathews, Neil Silveus, Lise Vesterlund, Taylor Weidman, Alistair Wilson, K. Pun Winichakul, and Liyang Zhou


Global Patterns of Forced Labor in Island Southeast Asia, Cheryll Alipio and Yancey Orr

In Close Association: Local Activist Networks in the Making of Japanese Modernity, 1868–1920, Marnie S. Anderson


Activational vs. Organizational Effects of Sex Steroids and their Role in the Evolution of Reproductive Behavior: Looking to Foot-Flagging Frogs and Beyond, Nigel K. Anderson, Sarah E. Goodwin, Eric R. Schuppe, AllexAndrya Dawn, Doris Preininger, Lisa A. Mangiamele, and Matthew J. Fuxjager


Pathways to Integrating Student Projects Into Campus Planning, Jane Andrews, Francis Li, Cora Lochner, and Waleska Reyes


Mountain Rivers Reveal the Earthquake Hazard of Geologic Faults in Silicon Valley, Felipe Aron, Samuel A. Johnstone, Andreas Mavrommatis, Robert Sare, Frantz Maerten, John P. Loveless, Curtis W. Baden, and George E. Hilley


Exploring Shared Trauma in the Time of COVID: A Simulation-Based Survey Study of Mental Health Clinicians, Kenta Asakura, Ruxandra M. Gheorghe, Danielle Rieger, Sarah Tarshis, Stephanie Borgen, and Amedeo D'Angiullibrought


Creating Third Spaces in K-12 Socio-Environmental Education Through Indigenous Languages: A Case Study, Shannon Audley and Angela B. D'Souza


A “New” Perspective on Productive Conservation: Exploring Socio-Ecological Tensions in Riparian Zone Management on Massachusetts Farms, Krystal Bagnaschi, Rosa D'Ambrosio, and Denisse Manzo Gonzalez


The History of Abortion Law in the United States, Carrie N. Baker


Women and Political Systems Worldwide, Carrie N. Baker and Marcela Rodrigues-Sherley

Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Turkey and Europe, Erol Balkan and Zümray Kutla


Improved Orbital Constraints and Hα Photometric Monitoring of the Directly Imaged Protoplanet Analog HD 142527 B, William O. Balmer, Katherine B. Follette, Laird M. Close, Jared R. Males, Robert J. De Rosa, Jeá I. Adams Redai, Alex Watson, Alycia J. Weinberger, Katie M. Morzinski, Julio Morales, Kimberly Ward-Duong, and Laurent Pueyo


Bitcoin Adoption and Beliefs in Canada, Daniela Balutel, Christopher Henry, Jorge Vásquez, and Marcel Voia


Reimagining Near-Earth Space Policy in a Post-COVID World, John C. Barentine, Jessica Heim, Aparna Venkatesan, James Lowenthal, and Monica Vidaurri


CRAN task view: Sports analytics, Ben Baumer


Symposium Focuses on Opportunities for Massachusetts Community Colleges, Benjamin Baumer, Nicholas J. Horton, Ethan Meyers, and Andrea Dustin

On Revolutions: Unruly Politics in the Contemporary World, Colin J. Beck, Mlada Bukovansky, Erica Chenoweth, George Lawson, Sharon Erickson Nepstad, and Daniel P. Ritter


PASSAGES: The Large Millimeter Telescope and ALMA Observations of Extremely Luminous High-Redshift Galaxies Identified by the Planck, Derek A. Berman, Min S. Yun, K. C. Harrington, P. Kamieneski, J. Lowenthal, B. L. Frye, Q. D. Wang, G. W. Wilson, I. Aretxaga, M. Chavez, R. Cybulski, V. De La Luz, N. Erickson, D. Ferrusca, D. H. Hughes, A. Montaña, G. Narayanan, D. Sánchez-Argüelles, F. P. Schloerb, K. Souccar, E. Terlevich, R. Terlevich, and J. A. Zavala


Editorial: Social Psychological Process and Effects on the Law, Colleen M. Berryessa, Clare S. Allely, Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, and Yael Granot


Near-Infrared Accretion Signatures from the Circumbinary Planetary-Mass Companion Delorme 1 (ab)b, S. K. Betti, K. B. Follette, K. Ward-Duong, Y. Aoyama, G. D. Marleau, J. Bary, C. Robinson, M. Janson, W. Balmer, G. Chauvin, and P. Palma-Bifani


La Princesse de Clèves by Lafayette: A New Translation and Bilingual Pedagogical Edition for the Digital Age, Hélène E, Bilis; Jean-Vincent Blanchard; David Harrison; and Hélène Visentin


Global Variation in Nonstructural Carbohydrate Stores in Response to Climate, Meghan Blumstein, Jess T. Gersony, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta, and Anna Sala


Auxetic Interval Determination and Experimental Validation for a Three-Dimensional Periodic Framework, Ciprian S. Borcea, Freek G.J. Broeren, Just L. Herder, Ileana Streinu, and Volkert van der Wijk


Saturation and Periodic Self-Stress in Geometric Auxetics, Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu


Smith Campus Rocks: Rocks of Smith College Buildings and Campus, John B. Brady and Bosiljka Glumac


Playing Unbound: Towards a Radically Intersectional HCI, Johanna Brewer


Prospects for Lattice QFTs on Curved Riemann Manifolds, Richard C. Brower, Casey E. Berger, George T. Fleming, Andrew D. Gasbarro, Evan K. Owen, Timothy G. Raben, Chung I. Tan, and Evan S. Weinberg


Emergent Intra-Pair Sex Differences and Organized Behavior in Pair Bonded Prairie Voles (Microtus ochrogaster), Liza E. Brusman, David S.W. Protter, Allison C. Fultz, Maya U. Paulson, Gabriel D. Chapel, Isaiah O. Elges, Ryan T. Cameron, Annaliese K. Beery, and Zoe R. Donaldson

Falling Down on the Job/On Revulsion, Darcy Buerkle


Metal Labor, Material Conversions: Goldsmiths in the Life of St. Denis and in Parisian Life, ca. 1300, Brigitte Buettner

The Mineral and the Visual: Precious Stones in Secular Medieval Culture, Brigitte Buettner


Who is Using PrEP On-Demand? Factors Associated with PrEP Use Modality among Black and Hispanic/Latino Emerging Adults, Antonia E. Caba, Taylor Rathus, Esther Burson, Philip A. Chan, Lisa A. Eaton, and Ryan J. Watson


Meridians: 21:1 Black Feminisms in the Caribbean and the United States: Representation, Rebellion, Radicalism, and Reckoning, Ginetta Candelario


Meridians 21:2 Feminist Mournings, Ginetta E.B. Candelario


Lipschitz Regularity for the Parabolic p-Laplacian in the Heisenberg Group, Luca Capogna, Giovanna Citti, and Xiao Zhong