Neumann Problems for p-Harmonic Functions, and Induced Nonlocal Operators in Metric Measure Spaces, Luca Capogna, Josh Kline, Riikka Korte, Nageswari Shanmugalingam, and Marie Snipes
Comparing physiological responses to hot and cold stress in a cnidarian–algal holobiont, Exaiptasia diaphana, Nicole Capozzi, Eyananda Ahmed, Ezra Curtis, Olivia Grandbois, Dominique Kelly, Kadin Kristjansson, Natalie Morgan, Louis Schlecker, and Rachel M. Wright
Pride Arrives to the Barrio: An Ethnographic Reflection of Boyle Height's Orgullo Fest, Vincente Carrillo
Phylogenomic Analyses of 2,786 Genes in 158 Lineages Support a Root of the Eukaryotic Tree of Life between Opisthokonts and All Other Lineages, Mario A. Cerón-Romero, Miguel M. Fonseca, Leonardo De Oliveira Martins, David Posada, and Laura A. Katz
An Educator’s Perspective of the Tidyverse, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Johanna Hardin, Benjamin Baumer, Amelia McNamara, Nicholas J. Horton, and Colin W. Rundel
Summer Research Fellowship Project Descriptions 2022, Clark Science Center's Summer Research Fellows Program
Frobenius Objects in the Category of Spans, Ivan Contreras, Molly Keller, and Rajan Amit Mehta
Marginal Proportional Hazards Models for Clustered Interval-Censored Data with Time-Dependent Covariates, Kaitlyn Cook, Wenbin Lu, and Rui Wang
A Multistate Competing Risks Framework for Preconception Prediction of Pregnancy Outcomes, Kaitlyn Cook, Neil J. Perkins, Enrique Schisterman, and Sebastien Haneuse
Old Genes in New Places: A Taxon-Rich Analysis of Interdomain Lateral Gene Transfer Events, Auden Cote-L’Heureux, Xyrus X. Maurer-Alcalá, and Laura A. Katz
Do School Suspension Reforms Work? Evidence From Rhode Island, Terry Ann Craigie
Images of Embedded Jovian Planet Formation at a Wide Separation around AB Aurigae, Thayne Currie, Kellen Lawson, Glenn Schneider, Wladimir Lyra, John Wisniewski, Carol Grady, Olivier Guyon, Motohide Tamura, Takayuki Kotani, Hajime Kawahara, Timothy Brandt, Taichi Uyama, Takayuki Muto, Ruobing Dong, Tomoyuki Kudo, Jun Hashimoto, Misato Fukagawa, Kevin Wagner, Julien Lozi, Jeffrey Chilcote, Taylor Tobin, Tyler Groff, Kimberly Ward-Duong, William Januszewski, Barnaby Norris, Peter Tuthill, Nienke van der Marel, Michael Sitko, Vincent Deo, Sebastien Vievard, Nemanja Jovanovic, and Frantz Martinache
Benchmarking Ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA Preservation Methods for Long-Read and Long-Range Sequencing, Hollis A. Dahn, Jacquelyn Mountcastle, Jennifer Balacco, Sylke Winkler, Iliana Bista, Anthony D. Schmitt, Olga Vinnere Pettersson, Giulio Formenti, Karen Oliver, Michelle Smith, Wenhua Tan, Anne Kraus, Stephen Mac, Lisa M. Komoroske, Tanya Lama, Andrew J. Crawford, Robert W. Murphy, Samara Brown, Alan F. Scott, Phillip A. Morin, Erich D. Jarvis, and Olivier Fedrigo
A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements Engineering Education, Marian Daun, Alicia M. Grubb, Viktoria Stenkova, and Bastian Tenbergen
Three Major Instructional Approaches for Requirements Engineering, Marian Daun, Alicia M. Grubb, and Bastian Tenbergen
Visitation : The Conjure Work of Black Feminist Avant-Garde Cinema, Jennifer DeClue
The Structural Clinical Model: Disrupting Oppression in Clinical Social Work Through an Integrative Practice Approach, Maria del Mar Fariña and Peggy O'Neill
A Genetic Labeling System to Study Dendritic Spine Development in Zebrafish Models of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Elisabeth C. DeMarco, George R. Stoner, and Estuardo Robles
Introduction to the Annual Compilation, Maleka Donaldson, Barbara Henderson, Megina Baker, Ben Mardell, and Andrew J. Stremmel
Mental Health in the UK Biobank: A Roadmap to Self-Report Measures and Neuroimaging Correlates, Rosie K. Dutt, Kayla Hannon, Ty O. Easley, Joseph C. Griffis, Wei Zhang, and Janine D. Bijsterbosch
Ecosystem Services Analysis of Land Management Options for MacLeish Field Station; Comparison of Pasture, Reforestation, and Agroforestry, R. C. Ettenger, Brianna Ray, and Silas Weden
The Big Bang and Beyond: Exploring the Early Universe, Gary Felder
Modern Physics, Gary Felder and Kenny M. Felder
Sex, Sovereignty, and the Biological in the Interwar Arab East, Susanna Ferguson
Last Picture, Jeff Ferrell, Gavin Morrison, and Fraser Stables
Planet Condé: Writing our Times, Writing the Anthropocene, Dawn Fulton
Geology Downtown: A Tour of the Rocks of Northampton's Buildings, Rana Galwagy, John B. Brady, Bosiljka Glumac, and Laurie Sanders
A Climate of Confessionalization: Famine and Difference in the Late Ottoman Empire, Matthew Ghazarian
Isolation and Genome Analysis of an Amoeba-Associated Bacterium Dyella terrae Strain Ely Copper Mine From Acid Rock Drainage in Vermont, United States, Lesley Ann Giddings, Kevin Kunstman, Bouziane Moumen, Laurent Asiama, Stefan Green, Vincent Delafont, Matthew Brockley, and Ascel Samba-Louaka
Extremophilic Fungi from Marine Environments: Underexplored Sources of Antitumor, Anti-Infective and Other Biologically Active Agents, Lesley Ann Giddings and David J. Newman
Taking Action: Managing Inclusive Excellence in Academia, Lesley Ann Giddings and Christine Salomon
Taking Action: Two Years after the ASP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee’s Call to Action, Lesley Ann Giddings, Christine Salomon, and ASP DEI Committee
Social Justice Conversations: Using Critical Dialogue to Unpack Oppression, Annemarie Gockel, Peggy O'Neill, and Nnamdi Pole
The Effect of Medicaid on Recidivism: Evidence From Medicaid Suspension and Termination Policies, Gultekin Gollu and Mariyana Zapryanova
Resisting the Image: Heidi, Sheep and Swiss Trash, Jonathan Gosnell
Oncology Healthcare Professionals’ Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Leeat Granek and Ora Nakash
I Keep Missing My Water, Naima Green
Proceedings of the Third Seminar on Responsible Computing, Alicia M. Grubb, Kayahma Brown, Anushree Goswami, Sophia Hager, Abby Moss, Max Spencer, Emma Vejcik, and Erin Wang
The Circulation of Bronze Mirrors in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang (2000–200 B.C.), Yanlong Guo
A Divide & Concur Approach to Collaborative Goal Modeling with Merge in Early-RE, Kathleen R. Hablutzel, Anisha Jain, and Alicia M. Grubb
A Divide & Concur Approach to Collaborative Goal Modeling with Merge in Early-RE: Supplemental Material, Kathleen R. Hablutzel, Anisha Jain, and Alicia M. Grubb
Toward Permutation Bases in the Equivariant Cohomology Rings of Regular Semisimple Hessenberg Varieties, Megumi Harada, Martha Precup, and Julianna Tymoczko
Human-Centered Design, Culture Within Everyone’s Reach, Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Scientist's Warning on Climate Change and Insects, Jeffrey A. Harvey, Kévin Tougeron, Rieta Gols, Robin Heinen, Mariana Abarca, and et al
The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway and Michael Thurston
The Dense Gas Mass Fraction and the Relationship to Star Formation in M51, Mark Heyer, Benjamin Gregg, Daniela Calzetti, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Robert Kennicutt, Angela Adamo, Aaron S. Evans, Kathryn Grasha, James D. Lowenthal, Gopal Narayanan, Daniel Rosa-Gonzalez, F. P. Schloerb, Kamal Souccar, Yuping Tang, Peter Teuben, Olga Vega, William F. Wall, and Min S. Yun
Direct Imaging & Spectroscopy of Exoplanetary Systems with the JWST Early Release Science Program, Sasha Hinkley, Aarynn L. Carter, Shrishmoy Ray, Beth Biller, Andrew Skemer, Elodie Choquet, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Stephanie Sallum, Brittany Miles, Niall Whiteford, Polychronis Patapis, Marshall Perrin, Laurent Pueyo, Karl Stapelfeldt, Jason Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Julien H. Girard, Dean Hines, Jens Kammerer, Jarron Leisenring, Yifan Zhou, Michael Meyer, Michael C. Liu, Mickael Bonnefoy, Simon Petrus, Mariangela Bonavita, Gael Chauvin, Christine Chen, Thayne Currie, Kielan K.W. Hoch, Cecilia Lazzoni, and Elisabeth C. Matthews
The JWST Early Release Science Program for the Direct Imaging and Spectroscopy of Exoplanetary Systems, Sasha Hinkley, Aarynn L. Carter, Shrishmoy Ray, Andrew Skemer, Beth Biller, Elodie Choquet, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Stephanie Sallum, Brittany Miles, Niall Whiteford, Polychronis Patapis, Marshall Perrin, Laurent Pueyo, Glenn Schneider, Karl Stapelfeldt, Jason Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Brendan P. Bowler, Anthony Boccaletti, Julien H. Girard, Dean Hines, Paul Kalas, Jens Kammerer, Pierre Kervella, Jarron Leisenring, Eric Pantin, Yifan Zhou, Michael Meyer, Michael C. Liu, Mickael Bonnefoy, Thayne Currie, and Michael McElwain
More Than a Safety Net: Ethiopia's Flagship Public Works Program Increases Tree Cover, Kalle Hirvonen, Elia A. Machado, Andrew M. Simons, and Vis Taraz
The Fluvial Imagination: On Lesotho’s Water-Export Economy, Colin Hoag
Pilot Examination of Stress, Heart Rate Variability, and Alcohol Craving and Use among Female Veterans, Cathryn Glanton Holzhauer, Elizabeth E. Epstein, Laurel Bickar, Robyn A. Ellis, Nnamdi Pole, Mehmet Sofuoglu, David A. Smelson, and Kristin Mattocks
Episode 1: Honda DC1920, Susannah Howe
Episode 2: Schneider Electric DC1415, Susannah Howe
Episode 3: Fuss and O'Neill DC0506, Susannah Howe
Episode 4: NNE DC1718, Susannah Howe
The SmithVent Experience and a Framework for Collaborative Distributed Design and Fabrication, Susannah Howe, Eleanor C. Ory, Devin Carroll, Sarah Chu, Kalifa Clarke, Beatrix Dalton, Claire Dudek, Adrienne Horne, Nicholas Howe, Sangye Kazi, Astrid Landeau, Dan Lin, Phoebe DeGroot, Emily Dixon, Farida Sabry, and Alex Widstrand
The RLDS Church, Global Denominations, and Globalization: Why the Study of Denominations Still Matters, David Howlett
Surgical Tool Segmentation with Pose-Informed Morphological Polar Transform of Endoscopic Images, Kevin Huang, Digesh Chitrakar, Wenfan Jiang, Isabella Yung, and Yun Hsuan Su
Beyond a Liberal Reading of insurgent in Transformative Planning Practices, Efadul Huq
The Art of Social Justice: Examining Arts Programming as a Context for Critical Consciousness Development Among Youth, Deanna A. Ibrahim, Erin B. Godfrey, Elise Cappella, and Esther Burson
How Will You Ever Afford To..., Sam M. Intrator
Civilization, Beyond Our Fall, Seymour W. Itzkoff
Our Unfinished Biological Revolution, Seymour W. Itzkoff
The Death of America : How Wealth Disparities, Race Conflict, Immigration, Welfare, Fake Education, and Climate Change have Ruined the United States, Seymour W. Itzkoff
Charles Franklin Finch Lecture: Does God Play Favorites?: Exploring the Promise and Problems of Biblical Chosenness, Joel Kaminsky
Lecture hosted by the Jewish Studies Program at SUNY Purchase: Does the Idea of “God’s Chosen People” Divide Jews and Christians?, Joel Kaminsky
Psalm 37 25, Innocent Suffering, & Divine Recompense, Joel Kaminsky
The Value of Jokes in Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Joel Kaminsky
The Meaning & Telos of Israel's Election with Dr. Joel Kaminsky and Dr. Mark Reasoner, Joel Kaminsky and Mark Reasoner
Performance of Near-Infrared High-Contrast Imaging Methods with JWST from Commissioning, Jens Kammerer, Julien Girard, Aarynn L. Carter, Marshall D. Perrin, Rachel Cooper, Deepashri Thatte, Thomas Vandal, Jarron Leisenring, Jason Wang, William O. Balmer, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Laurent Pueyo, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Ben Sunnquist, and Jéa Adams Redai
George Lamming and Caribbean Political Conscience, Aaron Kamugisha
Kamau at Ninety, Aaron Kamugisha
Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean Postcolonial State, Aaron Kamugisha, Charisse Burden-Stelly, and Percy C. Hintzen
Refuge and Resistance: Theater with Kurds and Yezidi Survivors of ISIS, Ellen Kaplan
Teaching Note—Teaching Trumpism, Hannah E. Karpman and Rory Crath
Relaxed Wythoff has all Beatty Solutions, Jon Kay and Geremías Polanco
Kumārila Bhaṭṭa and Pārthasārathi Miśra on First-and Higher-Order Knowing, Malcolm Keating
Evaluating Flood Risks at Smith College in Relation to Northampton, Dominique Kelly, Andria Polk, and Maya Morales
Implementing GitHub Actions Continuous Integration to Reduce Error Rates in Ecological Data Collection, Albert Y. Kim, Valentine Herrmann, Ross Barreto, Brianna Calkins, Erika Gonzalez-Akre, Daniel J. Johnson, Jennifer A. Jordan, Lukas Magee, Ian R. McGregor, Nicolle Montero, Karl Novak, Teagan Rogers, Jessica Shue, and Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira
Keeping an Eye on Circadian Time in Clinical Research and Medicine, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Allison Brager, Mary A. Carskadon, Christopher M. Depner, Russell Foster, Namni Goel, Mary Harrington, and et al
China's Minority Fiction, Sabina Knight
Dancing in the Park, Sabina Knight
Daoism, Confucianism and Anti-War Poetry, Sabina Knight
Sculpted Time, Sabina Knight
The Cultural Revolution and Mo Yan’s Nobel Prize, Sabina Knight
A Tautology or Two While We Translate Chinese Classics, Sabina Knight and Kidder Smith
“Ekkyo bungaku” as Crossing the Border of Language: Implications for Learners of Japanese, Yuri Kumagai
Magnetoquantum Oscillations in the Specific Heat of a Topological Kondo Insulator, Patrick G. LaBarre, Andreas Rydh, J. Palmer-Fortune, J. A. Frothingham, S. T. Hannahs, Arthur P. Ramirez, and Nathanael Alexander Fortune
Observation of Quantum Oscillations in The Low Temperature Specific Heat of SmB6, Patrick Labarre, A. Rydh, Joyce E. Palmer-Fortune, J. A. Frothingham, Scott T. Hannahs, Arthur P. Ramirez, and Nathanael Fortune
The Case for Space Environmentalism, Andy Lawrence, Meredith L. Rawls, Moriba Jah, Aaron Boley, Federico Di Vruno, Simon Garrington, Michael Kramer, Samantha Lawler, James Lowenthal, Jonathan McDowell, and Mark McCaughrean
Selectivity and Sociality: Aggression and Affiliation Shape Vole Social Relationships, Nicole S. Lee and Annaliese K. Beery
Maternal Mental Health Mediates the Effects of Pandemic-Related Stressors on Adolescent Psychopathology During COVID-19, Liliana J. Lengua, Stephanie F. Thompson, Stephanie Gyuri Kim, Maya L. Rosen, Alexandra Rodman, Steven Kasparek, Makeda Mayes, Maureen Zalewski, Andrew Meltzoff, and Kate A. McLaughlin
Water Chemistry, Exposure Routes, and Metal Forms Determine the Bioaccumulation Dynamics of Silver (Ionic and Nanoparticulate) in Daphnia magna, Emma Lesser, Fatima Noor Sheikh, Mithun Sikder, Marie Noële Croteau, Natasha Franklin, Mohammed Baalousha, and Niveen S. Ismail
Dark and Quiet Skies II Working Group Reports:, James Lowenthal, Connie Walker, and Piero Benvenuti
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, Jamie C. Macbeth, Leilani Gilpin, and Michael T. Cox
The Role of Formal Policy To Promote Informed Consent of Psychotropic Medications For Youth in Child Welfare Custody: a National Examination, Thomas I. Mackie, Ana J. Schaefer, John S. Palatucci, Laurel K. Leslie, Stephen Crystal, Michael Gusmano, and Hannah E. Karpman
CayleyMenger - Circuit Polynomials in the Cayley Menger ideal, Goran Malic and I. Streinu
Methods for Detecting PER2:LUCIFERASE Bioluminescence Rhythms in Freely Moving Mice, Blanca Martin-Burgos, Wanqi Wang, Ivana William, Selma Tir, Innus Mohammad, Reja Javed, Stormi Smith, Yilin Cui, Jessica Arzavala, Dalilah Mora, Ciearra B. Smith, Vincent van der Vinne, Penny C. Molyneux, Stephen C. Miller, David R. Weaver, Tanya L. Leise, and Mary E. Harrington
Korean Grammar Essentials for Fluent Speaking, Suk Massey