He I λ10830 as a Probe of Winds in Accreting Young Stars, Suzan Edwards, William Fischer, John Kwan, L. Hillenbrand, and Andrea K. Dupree
Sustainable Transportation at Smith College, Jasmine Eleftherakis
Getting the "Big Picture" in Engineering: Using Narratives and Conceptual Maps, Glenn W. Ellis, Borjana Mikic, and Alan N. Rudnitsky
Helping Students Organize and Retrieve Their Understanding of Dynamics, Glenn W. Ellis and Warren A. Turner
Sustainability at Smith Project: Environmental Impact in Smith Residences, Kate Elmer
Third World NGOs and US Academics: Dilemmas and Politics of Collaboration, David Faust and Richa Nagar
Unification Scale, Proton Decay, And Manifolds Of G2 Holonomy, Tamar Friedmann and Edward Witten
Breaking the Silicon Ceiling: Women in Engineering Freshmen Seminar, Aura Ganz, Susannah Howe, Vanessa Rivera, and Yuechun Chu
Nāgārjuna and the Limits of Thought, Jay L. Garfield and Graham Priest
Planar Minimally Rigid Graphs and Pseudo-Triangulations, Ruth Haas, David Orden, Günter Rote, Francisco Santos, Herman Servatius, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu, and Walter Whiteley
Departures from Karachi Airport: Some Reflections on Feminist Outrage, Ambreen Hai
Experimental Methods in Neuroscience: An Undergraduate Neuroscience Laboratory Course for Teaching Ethical Issues, Laboratory Techniques, Experimental Design, and Analysis, Adam C. Hall and Mary E. Harrington
A Hydrologic Study of Smith College and Impacts on the Mill River Watershed, Ashley G. Hawes
A Closer Look at Boosted Image Retrieval, Nicholas Howe
Is Smith College a “Local Hero”?: Investigating Smith’s Food System, Mira Alexandra Kilpatrick
Towards a More Sustainable Curriculum, Emily Kolod
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Signal from Deconfined Spinons in a Fractionalized Antiferromagnet, Courtney Lannert and Matthew P.A. Fisher
Efficient Computation of Location Depth Contours by Methods of Computational Geometry, Kim Miller, Suneeta Ramaswami, Peter Rousseeuw, J. Antoni Sellarès, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu, and Anja Struyf
The “Greening” of Smith College Campus Fertilizers, Herbicides, Insecticides, and Fungicides Used to Maintain the Grounds, Ilana C. Moir
An Online Lab Manual for Neurophysiology, Richard F. Olivo
Computational Geometry Column 44, Joseph O'Rourke
On the Development of the Intersection of a Plane With a Polytope, Joseph O'Rourke
Assessment of Selected Reef Sites in Northern and South-Central Belize, Including Recovery from Bleaching and Hurricane Disturbances (Stony Corals, Algae and Fish), Paulette M. Peckol, H. Allen Curran, Emily Y. Floyd, Martha L. Robbart, Benjamin J. Greenstein, and Kate L. Buckman
Assessment of Coral Reefs off San Salvador Island, Bahamas (Stony Coral, Algae and Fish Populations), Paulette M. Peckol, H. Allen Curran, Benjamin J. Greenstein, Emily Y. Floyd, and Martha L. Robbart
Filopodial Calcium Transients Regulate Growth Cone Motility and Guidance through Local Activation of Calpain, Estuardo Robles, Anna Huttenlocher, and Timothy M. Gomez
Multiple Roles for Hedgehog Signaling in Zebrafish Pituitary Development, Jennifer L. Sbrogna, Michael J.F. Barresi, and Rolf O. Karlstrom
Reducing Paper Usage at Smith College, Barbara Schulze
Letting the People into Church : Reflections on Orthodoxy and Community in Late Imperial Russia, Vera Shevzov
Long Time Behavior of Solutions to the 3D Compressible Euler Equations with Damping, Thomas C. Sideris, Becca Thomases, and Dehua Wang
Making Smith College Chemistry More Sustainable?, Molly Williams
Thinking Outside the Body: An Advantage for Spatial Updating during Imagined Versus Physical Self-Rotation, Maryjane Wraga
Implicit Transfer of Motor sSrategies in Mental Rotation, Maryjane Wraga, William L. Thompson, Nathaniel M. Alpert, and Stephen M. Kosslyn
Wasting Away, K. Wraight
Competitive Balance Conundrums: Response to Fort and Maxcy's Comment, Andrew Zimbalist
Labor Relations in Major League Baseball, Andrew Zimbalist
Flat-State Connectivity of Linkages Under Dihedral Motions, Greg Aloupis, Erik D. Demaine, Vida Dujmović, Jeff Erickson, Stefan Langerman, Henk Meijer, Joseph O'Rourke, Mark Overmars, Michael Soss, Ileana Streinu, and Godfried T. Toussaint
Press Reports of Animal Hoarding, Arnold Arluke, Randy Frost, Gail Steketee, Gary Patronek, Carter Luke, Edward Messner, Jane Nathanson, and Michelle Papazian
Meridians 2:2, Kum-Kum Bhavnani
Meridians 3:1, Kum-Kum Bhavnani
Enumerating Foldings and Unfoldings Between Polygons and Polytopes, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Anna Lubiw, and Joseph O'Rourke
Vertex-Unfoldings of Simplicial Manifolds, Erik D. Demaine, David Eppstein, Jeff Erickson, George W. Hart, and Joseph O'Rourke
Interlocked Open Linkages with Few Joints, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Jack Snoeyink
Nonorthogonal Polyhedra Built from Rectangles, Melody Donoso and Joseph O'Rourke
Improving the Conceptual Understanding of Kinematics Through Graphical Analysis, Glenn W. Ellis and Warren A. Turner
Warped Geometry of Brane Worlds, Gary Felder, Andrei Frolov, and Lev Kofman
Cosmology with Negative Potentials, Gary Felder, Andrei Frolov, Lev Kofman, and Andrei Linde
Caustics in Tachyon Matter and Other Born-Infeld Scalars, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Alexei Starobinsky
On the Quantum Moduli Space of M-theory Compactifications, Tamar Friedmann
Determinants of Erythropoietin Release in Response to Short-Term Hypobaric Hypoxia, Ri Li Ge, S. Witkowski, Y. Zhang, C. Alfrey, M. Sivieri, T. Karlsen, G. K. Resaland, M. Harber, J. Stray-Gundersen, and B. D. Levine
Stable Isotopes of Carbon as an Invaluable Stratigraphic Tool: An Example from the Cambrian of the Northern Appalachians, USA, Bosiljka Glumac and Malkah L. Spivak-Birndorf
Effects of Grand-Cycle Cessation on the Diagenesis of Upper Cambrian Carbonate Deposits in the Southern Appalachians, U.S.A, Bosiljka Glumac and Kenneth R. Walker
Third-Party Voting in Gubernatorial Elections: A Study of Angus King of Maine and Jesse Ventura of Minnesota, Howard J. Gold
Models of Soil Moisture Dynamics in Ecohydrology: A Comparative Study, Andrew J. Guswa, M. A. Celia, and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe
On Using the Equivalent Conductivity to Characterize Solute Spreading in Environments with Low-Permeability Lenses, Andrew J. Guswa and David L. Freyberg
Testing Causality Between Team Performance and Payroll: The Cases of Major League Baseball and English Soccer, Stephen Hall, Stefan Szymanski, and Andrew S. Zimbalist
Functional Morphology and Developmental Biology of Zebrafish: Reciprocal Illumination from an Unlikely Couple, L. Patricia Hernández, Michael J.F. Barresi, and Stephen H. Devoto
La question de la démocratie dans les travaux sur le monde arabe, Steven Heydemann
Boosted Image Classification: An Empirical Study, Nicholas Howe
Demographic Trends, Pronatalism, and Nationalist Ideologies in the Late Twentieth Century, Leslie King
Population Policy and Reproductive Rights, Leslie King
Teenage Childbearing in Maine: Positive Trends but More to be Done, Leslie King and Stephen Marks
Race, Menopause, Health-Related Quality of Life, and Psychological Well-Being in Obese Women, Blandine Laferrère, ShanKuan Zhu, Jennifer R. Clarkson, Marianne R.M. Yoshioka, Katherine Krauskopf, John C. Thornton, and F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer
Large Force Fluctuations in a Flowing Granular Medium, Emily Longhi, Nalini Easwar, and Narayanan Menon
Computational Geometry Column 43, Joseph O'Rourke
Strength, Drag, and Dislodgment of Two Competing Intertidal Algae from Two Wave Exposures and Four Seasons, Marney C. Pratt and Amy S. Johnson
Topological Sweep in Degenerate Cases, Eynat Rafalin, Diane Souvaine, and Ileana Streinu
Keck Spectroscopy and Imaging of Faint Galaxies Identified as Microjansky Radio Sources, Nathan D. Roche, James D. Lowenthal, and David C. Koo
The Morphology of Nine Radio-Selected Faint Galaxies from Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging, Nathan D. Roche, James D. Lowenthal, and David C. Koo
A Note on the Local Economic Impact of Sports Expenditures, John Siegfried and Andrew Zimbalist
Applying Learner-Centered Pedagogy to an Engineering Circuit-Theory Class at Smith College, Susan E. Voss and Glenn Ellis
The N-Acetyltransferase RimJ Responds to Environmental Stimuli to Repress pap Fimbrial Transcription in Escherichia coli, Christine A. White-Ziegler, Alia M. Black, Stacie H. Eliades, Sarah Young, and Kimberly Porter
Skin Cooling Maintains Cerebral Blood fFow Velocity and Orthostatic Tolerance During Tilting in Heated Humans, Thad E. Wilson, Jian Cui, Rong Zhang, Sarah Witkowski, and Craig G. Crandall
Competitive Balance in Sports Leagues: An Introduction, Andrew S. Zimbalist
Distinct Mechanisms Regulate Slow-Muscle Development, Michael J.F. Barresi, Joel A. D'Angelo, L. Patricia Hernández, and Stephen H. Devoto
Helium Emission from Classical T Tauri Stars: Dual Origin in Magnetospheric Infall and Hot Wind, Georgina Beristain, Suzan Edwards, and John Kwan
Meridians 1:2, Kum-Kum Bhavnani
Meridians 2:1, Kum-Kum Bhavnani
On the Folkman-Lawrence Topological Representation Theorem for Oriented Matroids of Rank 3, Jürgen Bokowski, Susanne Mock, and Ileana Streinu
Hα Imaging with Hubble Space Telescope-Nicmos of an Elusive Damped lyα Cloud at z = 0.61, Nicolas Bouché, James D. Lowenthal, Jane C. Charlton, Matthew A. Bershady, Christopher W. Churchill, and Charles C. Steidel
Asset Prices in the Measurement of Inflation, Michael F. Bryan, Stephen G. Cecchetti, and Róisín O'Sullivan
"Black behind the ears" — And Up Front Too? Dominicans in The Black Mosaic, Ginetta Candelario DR
Why Are There Warriors in Plato's Republic?, John Patrick Coby
Polygonal Chains Cannot Lock in 4D, Roxana Cocan and Joseph O'Rourke
An fMRI sSudy of Imagined Self-Rotation, Sarah H. Creem, Traci Hirsch Downs, Maryjane Wraga, Gregory S. Harrington, Dennis R. Proffitt, and J. Hunter Downs
Imagining Physically Impossible Self-Rotations: Geometry is More Important than Gravity, Sarah H. Creem, Maryjane Wraga, and Dennis R. Proffitt
Coastal Effects of Hurricane Floyd on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, H. Allen Curran, Priscilla Delano, Brian White, and Meredith Barrett
Ichnology of Holocene Carbonate Eolianites of the Bahamas, H. Allen Curran and Brian White
Continuity and Modularity in Language Acquisition and Research, Jill de Villiers
Songs of the Women Trouvères, Eglal Doss-Quinby, Joan Tasker Grimbert, Wendy Pfeffer, and Elizabeth Aubrey
Simultaneous Measurement of Changes in Thickness and Refractive Index of Weakly Absorbing Self-Standing Solid Films Using Optical Interferometry, Nalini Easwar, R. Fantini, and E. Willis
Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking and Tachyonic Preheating, Gary Felder, Juan García-Bellido, Patrick B. Greene, Lev Kofman, Andrei Linde, and Igor Tkachev
Development of Equilibrium After Preheating, Gary Felder and Lev Kofman
Tachyonic Instability and Dynamics of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Andrei Linde
Nāgārjuna’s Theory of Causality: Implications Sacred and Profane, Jay L. Garfield
Review: Zion, City of Our God by Richard S. Hess and Gordon J. Wenham, Joel Kaminsky
The Concept of Election and Second Isaiah: Recent Literature, Joel Kaminsky
From Pronatalism to Social Welfare? Extending Family Allowances to Minority Populations in France and Israel, Leslie King
Electron Spectral Function in Two-Dimensional Fractionalized Phases, Courtney Lannert, Matthew P.A. Fisher, and T. Senthil