Quantum Confinement Transition in a D-Wave Superconductor, Courtney Lannert, T. Senthil, and Matthew P. Fisher
Fast Implementation of Depth Contours Using Topological Sweep, Kim Miller, Suneeta Ramaswami, Peter Rousseeuw, Toni Sellarès, Diane Souvaine, Ileana Streinu, and Anja Struyf
Behavioral Plasticity of Modern and Cenozoic Burrowing Thalassinidean Shrimp, M. F. Miller and H. Allen Curran
Computational Geometry Column 42, Joseph S. B. Mitchell and Joseph O'Rourke
Computational Geometry Column 41, Joseph O'Rourke
Resilience and Recovery of Coral Reefs From Large-Scale Disturbances: Contrasting Patterns for San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and Belize, Paulette M. Peckol, H. Allen Curran, Martha Robbart, and Benjamin J. Greenstein
Hoarding By Elderly People, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, and Hyo-Jin Kim
Middle-Ear Function with Tympanic-Membrane Perforations. II. A Simple Model., Susan E. Voss, John J. Rosowski, Saumil N. Merchant, and William T. Peake
Middle-Ear Function with Tympanic-Membrane Perforations. I. Measurements and Mechanisms, Susan E. Voss, John J. Rosowski, Saumil N. Merchant, and William T. Peake
Crossing the Line: Case Studies of Identity Development in First Generation College Women, Phyllis A. Wentworth and Bill E. Peterson
A Sea-Level Lowstand (Devil's Point Event) Recorded in Bahamian Reefs: Comparison with Other Last Interglacial Climate Proxies, Brian White, H. Allen Curran, and Mark A. Wilson
The Neuropeptide Y Y5 Receptor Mediates the Blockade of "Photic-Like" NMDA-Induced Phase Shifts in the Golden Hamster, P. C. Yannielli and Mary E. Harrington
Regulating the Interpersonal Self: Strategic Self-Regulation for Coping with Rejection Sensitivity, Ozlem Ayduk, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Walter Mischel, Geraldine Downey, Philip K. Peake, and Monica Rodriguez
Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry, Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Michael Rosenfeld
On Reconfiguring Tree Linkages: Trees Can Lock, Therese Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Sylvain Lazard, Anna Lubiw, Joseph O'Rourke, Steve Robbins, Ileana Streinu, Godfried Toussaint, and Sue Whitesides
Application of a Polymerase Chain Reaction-ELISA to Detect Wuchereria bancrofti in Pools of Wild-Caught Anopheles punctualatus in a Filariasis Control Area in Papua New Guinea, Moses J. Bockarie, Peter U. Fischer, Steven A. Williams, Peter A. Zimmerman, Lysaght Griffin, Michael P. Alpers, and James W. Kazura
Hair Race-ing: Dominican Beauty Culture and Identity Production, Ginetta E. B. Candelario
Examples, Counterexamples, and Enumeration Results for Foldings and Unfoldings between Polygons and Polytopes, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Anna Lubiw, and Joseph O'Rourke
PushPush and Push-1 are NP-Hard in 2D, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Joseph O'Rourke
PushPush is NP-Hard in 2D, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, and Joseph O'Rourke
Computational Geometry Column 37, Erik D. Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke
Language and Theory of Mind: What are the Developmental relationships?, Jill de Villiers
From Evidence to Belief: Developmental Precursors for False Belief Ascriptions, Jill de Villiers, Angelika Kratzer, and Tom Roeper
FFTEASY, Gary Felder
Gravitational Particle Production and the Moduli Problem, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Andrei Linde
Inflation After Preheating, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, Andrei Linde, and Igor Tkachev
Detection of DNA of Nocturnally Periodic Brugia malayi in Night and Day Blood Samples by a Polymerase Chain Reaction-ELISA-Based Method Using an Internal Control DNA, Peter U. Fischer, Tanianwati Supali, Heri Wibowo, Insa Bonow, and Steven A. Williams
High Magnetic Field Corrections to Resistance Thermometers for Low Temperature Calorimetry, Nathanael Fortune, Gayle Gossett, Lydia Peabody, Katherine Lehe, S. Uji, and H. Aoki
Are Invisible Hands Good Hands? Moral Hazard, Competition, and the Second-Best in Health Care Markets, Martin Gaynor, Deborah Haas-Wilson, and William B. Vogt
Carbonate Deposition and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Terminal Cambrian Grand Cycle in the Southern Appalachians, U.S.A, Bosiljka Glumac and Kenneth R. Walker
Replicability and Recurrence in the Experimental Evolution of a Group I Ribozyme, Martin M. Hanczyc and Robert L. Dorit
Molecular Evolution of Odorant-Binding Protein Genes OS-E and OS-F in Drosophila, Daria S. Hekmat-Scafe, Robert L. Dorit, and John R. Carlson
An Instrument to Assess Self-Statements During Public Speaking: Scale Development and Preliminary Psychometric Properties, Stefan G. Hofmann and Patricia Marten DiBartolo
Data as Ensembles of Records: Representation and Comparison, Nicholas Howe
Using Artificial Queries to Evaluate Image Retrieval, Nicholas Howe
Integrating Color, Texture, and Geometry for Image Retrieval, Nicholas Howe and Daniel P. Huttenlocher
Bayesian Reconstruction of 3D Human Motion from Single-Camera Video, Nicholas Howe, Michael E. Leventon, and William T. Freeman
Review: The Covenant Formula: An Exegetical and Theological Investigation by Rolf Rendtorff, Joel Kaminsky
Identification of Potential Vaccine and Drug Target Candidates by Expressed Sequence Tag Analysis and Immunoscreening of Onchocerca volvulus Larval cDNA Libraries, Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, Wilson Tawe, David B. Guiliano, Wenhong Lu, Jing Liu, Steven A. Williams, and Sara Lustigman
The Discourse of Denigration and the Creation of “Other”, Joshua Miller and Gerald Schamess
Review of Roma nel secolo dei lumi: Architettura erudizione scienza nella Pianta di G.B. Nolli "celebre geometra", John E. Moore
Computational Geometry Column 38, Joseph O'Rourke
Computational Geometry Column 39, Joseph O'Rourke
Computational Geometry Column 40, Joseph O'Rourke
Lyman-α Imaging of a Very Luminous z = 2.3 Starburst Galaxy with WFPC2, Nathan Roche, James D. Lowenthal, and Bruce Woodgate
The Economics of Sports Facilities and Their Communities, John Siegfried and Andrew Zimbalist
Meridians 1:1, Ruth J. Simmons
Group And Individual Treatment of Compulsive Hoarding: a Pilot Study, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, Jeff Wincze, Kamala A.I. Greene, and Heidi Douglass
Somite Development in Zebrafish, Heather L. Stickney, Michael J.F. Barresi, and Stephen H. Devoto
Combinatorial Approach to Planar Non-Colliding Robot Arm Motion Planning, Ileana Streinu
Acoustic Mechanisms that Determine the Ear-Canal Sound Pressures Generated by Earphones, Susan E. Voss, John J. Rosowski, Christopher A. Shera, and William T. Peake
H-NS Controls pap and daa Fimbrial Transcription in Escherichia coli in Response to Multiple Environmental Cues, C. A. White-Ziegler, A. Villapakkam, K. Ronaszeki, and S. Young
Perception-Action Dissociations of a Walkable Müller-Lyer Configuration, Maryjane Wraga, Sarah H. Creem, and Dennis R. Proffitt
Updating Displays after Imagined Object and Viewer Rotations, Maryjane Wraga, Sarah H. Creem, and Dennis R. Proffitt
Mapping the Zone of Eye-Height Utility for Seated and Standing Observers, Maryjane Wraga and Dennis R. Proffitt
Hygiene and "The Indian Problem": Ethnicity and Medicine in Bolivia, 1910-1920, Ann Zulawski
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D, Therese Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Sylvain Lazard, Anna Lubiw, Joseph O'Rourke, Mark Overmars, Steve Robbins, Ileana Streinu, Godfried Toussaint, and Sue Whitesides
Parasitic Helminth Genomics, M. Blaxter, M. Aslett, D. Guiliano, J. Daub, Steven A. Williams, Kunthala Jayaraman, Reda Ramzy, Alan Scott, Tania Supali, and Barton Slatko
Lagrangian Systems on Hyperbolic Manifolds, Philip Boyland and Christophe Golé
Embedded Training for Complex Information Systems, Brant A. Cheikes
Machiavelli's Philanthropy, John Patrick Coby
Changes in New Zealand: An Environmental History, Carla M. Cooke
An Inventory of Mill River Corridor Discharge, Carla M. Cooke, Elizabeth Otte, and Sacha Pealer
Environmental Conservation in Mexico: It's Not Really an Oxymoron, Savannah Cutter
Search for Exchange-Antisymmetric Two-Photon States, D. De Mille, D. Budker, N. Derr, and E. Deveney
The Varying Factors and Implications of Oil: Black Gold, Upon the Alaskan Environment, People and Economy, Tara DeWitt
Stable Isotope and Crystal Chemistry of Tourmaline Across Pegmatite - Country Rock Boundaries at Black Mountain and Mount Mica, Southwestern Maine, U.S.A, Darby Dyar, Charles V. Guidott, Daniel P. Core, Katherine M. Wearn, Michael A. Wise, Carl A. Francis, Kathleen Johnson, John B. Brady, J. David Robertson, and Laura R. Cross
Inflation and Preheating in Nonoscillatory Models, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Andrei Linde
Instant Preheating, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Andrei Linde
Change, Consolidation, and Competition in Health Care Markets, Martin Gaynor and Deborah Haas-Wilson
Chemiluminescent Detection of Sequential DNA Hybridizations to High- Density, Filter-Arrayed cDNA Libraries: A Subtraction Method for Novel Gene Discovery, D. Guiliano, M. Ganatra, J. Ware, J. Parrot, J. Daub, L. Moran, H. Brennecke, J. M. Foster, T. Supali, M. Blaxter, A. L. Scott, Steven A. Williams, and B. E. Slatko
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide Phase Shifts Circadian Rhythms in a Manner Similar to Light, Mary E. Harrington, Sabina Hoque, Adam Hall, Diego Golombek, and Stephany Biello
Weighting Unusual Feature Types, Nicholas Howe and Claire Cardie
Structural and Kinetic Studies of a Cisplatin-modified DNA Icosamer Binding to HMG1 Domain B*, Elizabeth R. Jamieson, Matthew P. Jacobson, Carmen M. Barnes, Christine S. Chow, and Stephen J. Lippard
Vodou Imagery, African-American Tradition and Cultural Transformation in Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes Were Watching God", Daphne Lamothe
Challenges Facing Hawaii's Biodiversity, Alyssa Mahoney
Computational Geometry Column 35, Joseph O'Rourke
Computational Geometry Column 36, Joseph O'Rourke
Zero-Parity Stabbing Information, Joseph O'Rourke and Irena Pashchenko
PushPush is NP-Hard in 3D, Joseph O'Rourke and The Smith Problem Solving Group
The Netherlands: A Sustainability Profile, Elizabeth Otte
Beyond Borders: Gaining Perspective on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Sacha N. Pealer
Generative Concern, Political Commitment, and Charitable Actions, Bill E. Peterson and Lauren Duncan
Painful Period and Window of Opportunity: Current Environmental Issues in Siberia, Laurie Powers
Only God Decides': Young Children's Perceptions of Divorce and the Legal System, Kyle D. Pruett and Marsha Kline Pruett
Stretchability of Star-Like Pseudo-Visibility Graphs, Ileana Streinu
The Energetics of a Bouncing Ball, Warren A. Turner and Glenn W. Ellis
The Influence of Spatial Reference Frames on Imagined Object-and vVewer Rotations, Maryjane Wraga, Sarah H. Creem, and Dennis R. Proffitt
Computational Geometry Column 34, Pankaj K. Agarwal and Joseph O'Rourke
Permitted Iron Emission Lines in the Classical T Tauri Star DR Tauri, Georgina Beristain, Suzan Edwards, and John Kwan
Near-Infrared Galaxy Counts to J and K ∼ 24 as a Function of Image Size, Matthew A. Bershady, James D. Lowenthal, and David C. Koo
Isotope Geochemistry of Proterozoic Talc Occurrences in Archean Marbles of the Ruby Mountains, Southwest Montana, U.S.A, John B. Brady, John T. Cheney, Amy Larson Rhodes, Angela Vasquez, Chris Green, Mathieu Duvall, Ari Kogut, Lewis Kaufman, and Dana Kovaric
A Version of a Theorem of Dahlberg for the Subelliptic Dirichlet Problem, Luca Capogna, Nicola Garofalo, and Duy Minh Nhieu
Ichnology of Holocene Carbonate Eolianites on San Salvador Island, Bahamas: Diversity and Significance, H. Allen Curran and Brian White
A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention. V. Comparisons with Traditionally-Taught Students, Richard M. Felder, Gary Felder, and E. Jacquelin Dietz
Detection of the Filarial Parasite Mansonella streptocerca in Skin Biopsies by a Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Assay, Peter U. Fischer, Dietrich W. Büttner, Jotham Bamuhiiga, and Steven A. Williams
Physical Dependence of the Sensitivity and Room-Temperature Stability of AuxGe1-x Thin Film Resistive Thermometers on Annealing Conditions, Nathanael A. Fortune, Michael J. Graf, and Keizo Murata
Hoarding, Compulsive Buying And Reasons For Saving, Randy O. Frost, Hyo Jin Kim, Claire Morris, Cinnamon Bloss, Marta Murray-Close, and Gail Steketee
A Late Cambrian Positive Carbon-Isotope Excursion in the Southern Appalachians: Relation to Biostratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy, Environments of Deposition, and Diagenesis, Bosiljka Glumac and Kenneth R. Walker
Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of Starburst Galaxies: Stellar Population and the Kinematics of the Interstellar Medium, Rosa M. Gonzalez Delgado, Claus Leitherer, Timothy Heckman, James D. Lowenthal, Henry C. Ferguson, and Carmelle Robert