Green Events, Kuhns
Domain Architecture of Protein-disulfide Isomerase Facilitates Its Dual Role as an Oxidase and an Isomerase in Ero1p-Mediated Disulfide Formation, Mohini Kulp, Eva Maria Frickel, Lars Ellgaard, and Jonathan S. Weissman
Book Review Essay, Richard Lim
Determinants of Hearing Loss in Perforations of the Tympanic Membrane, Ritvik P. Mehta, John J. Rosowski, Susan E. Voss, Ellen O'Neil, and Saumil N. Merchant
Engineering for Everyone: Charging Students with the Task of Designing Creative Solutions to the Problem of Technology Literacy, Borjana Mikic and Susan E. Voss
Reviewed Work(s): The Urban Development of Rome in the Age of Alexander VII by Dorothy Metzger Habel, John E. Moore
Geology of Cat Island, Bahamas: A Field Trip Guide, John E. Mylroie, H. Allen Curran, Deborah Freile, James L. Carew, Neil E. Sealey, and Vincent J. Voegeli
Beavers and the Barrett Street Marsh, Ngozie Omegbu
The Social Ecology of Hurricane Katrina Re-Writing the Discourse of “Natural” Disasters, Yoosun Park and Joshua Miller
Generativity and Successful Parenting: An Analysis of Young Adult Outcomes, Bill E. Peterson
Beyond Politics: Authoritarianism and the Pursuit of Leisure, Bill E. Peterson and Joyce S. Pang
Islam and Labor Law: Some Precepts and Examples, Karen Pfeifer
Equation of State and Beginning of Thermalization After Preheating, Dmitry Podolsky, Gary Felder, Lev Kofman, and Marco Peloso
A Real-Time PCR-based Assay for Detection of Wuchereria bancrofti DNA in Blood and Mosquitoes, Ramakrishna U. Rao, Laura J. Atkinson, Reda M.R. Ramzy, Hanan H. Helmy, Hoda A. Farid, Moses J. Bockarie, Melinda Susapu, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, and Gary J. Weil
Seasonal Variation in the Stable Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in the Tropical Montane Forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica, Amy L. Rhodes, Andrew J. Guswa, and Silvia E. Newell
Trajectory Model Validation Using Newly Developed Altitude-Controlled Balloons During the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformations 2004 Campaign, Emily E. Riddle, Paul B. Voss, Andreas Stohl, Daniel Holcomb, Darren Maczka, K. Washburn, and Robert W. Talbot
Organic Lawn, Rossi
A Escrita de Conceição Evaristo e a Mulher Negra como Protagonista, Flávia Santos de Araújo
Parameterization of Fuel Cell Stack Voltage: Issues on Sensitivity, Cell-to-Cell Variation, and Transient Response, Ariette L. Schilter, Denise A. McKay, and Anna G. Stefanopoulou
Sometimes Close is Good Enough: the Value of Nearby Environmental Amenities, Lucie Schmidt and Paul N. Courant
Gender, Marriage, and Asset Accumulation in the United States, Lucie Schmidt and Purvi Sevak
Green Buildings at Mount Holyoke College: Purpose, Process, and Progress, Amelia Shenstone
Between 'Popular' and 'Official': Akafisty Hymns and Marion Icons in Late Imperial Russia, Vera Shevzov
Local Energy Decay for Solutions of Multi-Dimensional Isotropic Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems, Thomas C. Sideris and Becca Thomases
Exponents for B-Stable Ideals, Eric Sommers and Julianna Tymoczko
Should Smith College Have an Environmental Major?, Stratton
Smith College: The Campus Role in Invasive Species Management, Tiffany Tawzer
Linear Conditions Imposed on Flag Varieties, Julianna S. Tymoczko
Seasonal Sediment Transport and Unusually Large Spit Development at Sandy Point, San Salvador, Bahamas, Vincent J. Voegeli, Alicia L. Simonti, and H. Allen Curran
Posture-Induced Changes in Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions and the Potential for Noninvasive Monitoring of Changes in Intracranial Pressure, Susan E. Voss, Nicholas J. Horton, Taronne H. P. Tabucchi, Fopefolu O. Folowosele, and Christopher A. Shera
Desiccation Responses and Survival of Sinorhizobium meliloti USDA 1021 in Relation to Growth Phase, Temperature, Chloride and Sulfate Availability, J. A.C. Vriezen, F. J. De Bruijn, and K. Nüsslein
Zarathustra’s Preposterous History, Joel Westerdale
Current Practices in Engineering Capstone Education: Further Results From a 2005 Nationwide Survey, Jessica Wilbarger and Susannah Howe
Stereotype Susceptibility Narrows the Gender Gap in Imagined Self-Rotation Performance, Maryjane Wraga, Lauren Duncan, Emily C. Jacobs, Molly Helt, and Jessica Church
Solidarity: War Rites and Women's Rights, Elisabeth Armstrong and Vijay Prashad
Hedgehog Regulated Slit Expression Determines Commissure and Glial Cell Position in the Zebrafish Forebrain, Michael J.F. Barresi, Lara D. Hutson, Chi Bin Chien, and Rolf O. Karlstrom
Driving Towards Sustainability? An Assessment of Smith College’s Vehicle Fleet, Nora Beem
Rich Mesic Forests: Edaphic and Physiographic Drivers of Community Variation in Western Massachusetts, J. Bellemare, G. Motzkin, and D. R. Foster
Evidence for Marine Influence on a Low-Gradient Coastal Plain: Ichnology and Invertebrate Paleontology of the Lower Tongue River Member (Fort Union Formation, Middle Paleocene), Western Williston Basin, U.S.A., Edward S. Belt, Neil E. Tibert, H. Allen Curran, John A. Diemer, Joseph H. Hartman, Timothy J. Kroeger, and David M. Harwood
The Aronsson-euler Equation for Absolutely Minimizing Lipschitz Extensions with Respect to Carnot-Carathéodory Metrics, Thomas Bieske and Luca Capogna
L’Invraisemblance du Pouvoir. Mises en scène de la souveraineté au XVIIe siècle en France, Jean-Vincent Blanchard and Hélène Visentin
Virtuosités de Berlioz, Peter Bloom
A Topological Representation Theorem for Oriented Matroids, Jürgen Bokowski, Simon King, Sussane Mock, and Ileana Streinu
Measuring the Halo Mass of z ∼ 3 Damped Lyα Absorbers from the Absorber-Galaxy Cross-Correlation, Nicolas Bouché, Jeffrey P. Gardner, Neal Katz, David H. Weinberg, Romeel Davé, and James D. Lowenthal
The Star Formation Rate-Density Relationship at Redshift 3, Nicolas Bouché and James D. Lowenthal
A Dictionary Construction Technique for Code Compression Systems with Echo Instructions, Philip Brisk, Jamie Macbeth, Ani Nahapetian, and Majid Sarrafzadeh
On Long Winter Nights: Memoirs of a Jewish Family in a Galician Township 1870-1890, Justin Cammy and Hinde Bergner
Miradas desencadenantes : los estudios de género en la República Dominicana al inicio del tercer milenio, Ginetta Candelario
Increased Action Potential Firing Rates of Layer 2/3 Pyramidal Cells in the Prefrontal Cortex are Significantly Related to Cognitive Performance in Aged Monkeys, Yu Ming Chang, Douglas L. Rosene, Ronald J. Killiany, Lisa A. Mangiamele, and Jennifer I. Luebke
Coral Reef Ed-Ventures: An Environmental Education Program for School Children in San Pedro, Belize, H. Allen Curran, Susan Etheredge, Elizabeth Callaghan, and Paulette M. Peckol
A Memorial to D. Craig Edwards (1939-2004), H. Allen Curran and Hilary Edwards Lithgow
Structure and Stability of Mott-Insulator Shells of Bosons Trapped in an Optical Lattice, B. Demarco, Courtney Lannert, S. Vishveshwara, and T. C. Wei
Preheating in New Inflation, Mariel Desroche, Gary Felder, Jan M. Kratochvil, and Andrei Linde
Sustainable Land Development in Northampton, Massachusetts: Limiting Sprawl, Stephanie Duryee
Organizing a K-12 AI Curriculum Using Philosophy of the Mind, Glenn W. Ellis, Eleanor C. Ory, and Nalini Bhushan
To Pop or Not to Pop: Elementary Teachers Explore Engineering Design with Pop-Up Books, Susan Etheredge, Catherine Lewis, Glenn Ellis, and Thomas Gralinski
Characterization of a Novel Filarial Serine Protease Inhibitor, Ov-SPI-1, from Onchocerca volvulus, with Potential Multifunctional Roles During Development of the Parasite, Louise Ford, David B. Guiliano, Yelena Oksov, Asim K. Debnath, Jing Liu, Steven A. Williams, Mark L. Blaxter, and Sara Lustigman
Schwinger Pair Creation of Kaluza-Klein Particles: Pair Creation Without Tunneling, Tamar Friedmann and Herman Verlinde
Effects of Gender and Hypovolemia on Sympathetic Neural Responses to Orthostatic Stress, Qi Fu, Sarah Witkowski, Kazunobu Okazaki, and Benjamin D. Levine
Persistent Sympathetic Activation During Chronic Antihypertensive Therapy, Qi Fu, Rong Zhang, Sarah Witkowski, Armin Arbab-Zadeh, Anand Prasad, Kazunobu Okazaki, and Benjamin D. Levine
Force-Velocity Correlations in a Dense, Collisional, Granular Flow, Emily Gardel, Ellen Keene, Sonia Dragulin, Nalini Easwar, and Narayanan Menon
Translation as Transmission and Transformation, Jay L. Garfield
Meridians 5:2, Paula J. Giddings
Meridians 6:1, Paula J. Giddings
The Correlation Between Internal & External Markers for Abdominal Tumors: Implications for Respiratory Gating, David P. Gierga, Johanna Brewer, Gregory C. Sharp, Margrit Betke, Christopher G. Willett, and George T.Y. Chen
Wellness and Developing Environmentally Conscious Behavior, Sonja Halterman
Flow Lookup and Biological Motion Perception, Nicholas Howe
Boosted Decision Trees for Word Recognition in Handwritten Document Retrieval, Nicholas Howe, Toni M. Rath, and R. Manmatha
BRANECODE: A Program for Simulations of Braneworld Dynamics, Martin Johannes, Gary Felder, Andrei V. Frolov, Lev Kofman, and Marco Peloso
Images of Mental Illness Text and Performance, Ellen Kaplan and Sarah J. Rudolph
Enter the Xlerator?: Hand Drying at Smith College, Rebecca Keane
Gloria Naylor's Mama Day: Bridging Roots and Routes, Daphne Lamothe
Review of: Black and White Women's Travel Narratives: Antebellum Explorations by Cheryl J. Fish, Daphne Lamothe
A Methodology for Efficiently Sampling the Conformation Space of Molecular Structures, Audrey Lee, Ileana Streinu, and Oliver Brock
Finding and Maintaining Rigid Components, Audrey Lee, Ileana Streinu, and Louis Theran
Pervasive Cracking of the Northern Chilean Coastal Cordillera: New Evidence for Forearc Extension, John P. Loveless, Gregory D. Hoke, Richard W. Allmendinger, Gabriel González, Bryan L. Isacks, and Daniel A. Carrizo
Organic Gardening and Possibilities for its Implementation at Smith College: An Exercise on the Sustainable Use of Limited Resources, Erynn McInnis
Modeling, Parameter Identification, and Validation of Reactant and Water Dynamics for a Fuel Cell Stack, D. A. McKay, W. T. Ott, and A. G. Stefanopoulou
Women, Gender and State Policies, Joya Misra and Leslie King
Getting on the Same Page Communication and Cooperation at Smith College, Emilee Mooney
Reviewed Work(s): Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture and Politics at the Vatican by Sarah McPhee, John E. Moore
Review of 'A More Beautiful City': Robert Hooke and the Rebuilding of London after the Great Fire,, John E. Moore
Organizing from the Margins: Grappling with ‘Empowerment’ in India and South Africa, Richa Nagar and Amanda L. Swarr
House Prices in the Measurement of Inflation: An Application Using Irish Data, Róisín O'Sullivan
Consequences of Coloniality: Influence of Colony Form and Size on Feeding Success in the Bryozoan Membranipora membranacea, Marney C. Pratt
Common Ground: How a Course Collaboration Between Engineering and Women’s Studies Produced Fine Art, Donna Riley and Elisabeth Armstrong
Src-Dependent Tyrosine Phosphorylation at the Tips of Growth Cone Filopodia Promotes Extension, Estuardo Robles, Stephanie Woo, and Timothy M. Gomez
Nicholas Reactions with Carboxylic Acids for the Synthesis of Macrocyclic Diolides, Kevin M. Shea, Kristina D. Closser, and Miriam M. Quintal
Computing Rigid Components of Pseudo-Triangulation Mechanisms in Linear Time, Jack Snoeyink and Ileana Streinu
Acoustics of the Human Middle-Ear Air Space, Cara E. Stepp and Susan E. Voss
Non-Stretchable Pseudo-Visibility Graphs, Ileana Streinu
Pseudo-Triangulations, Rigidity and Motion Planning, Ileana Streinu
Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Smith College: A Comprehensive Inventory from 1990-2004 and Suggestions for Future Emissions Reductions, Elizabeth Thomas
Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Smith College: A Comprehensive Inventory from 1990-2004 and Suggestions for Future Emissions Reductions, Elizabeth Thomas
Sustainability Analysis on the new Smith College Dining System: Grab ‘N’ Go vs. Non Grab ‘N’ Go Houses, Irma Torres-Leon
Sustainability Analysis of Smith Dining: Grab ‘N’ Go vs. Non Grab ‘N’ Go Houses, Wiam Turki-Judeh