Les Sosies, comédie (1638), Hélène Visentin
How Does the Sound Pressure Generated by Circumaural, Supra-aural, and Insert Earphones Differ for Adult and Infant Ears?, Susan E. Voss and Barbara S. Herrmann
Gay and Committed, But Against 'Coupledness' Norm, Martha A. Ackelsberg and Judith Plaskow
Why We're Not Getting Married, Martha A. Ackelsberg and Judith Plaskow
A Study into the Disposable Products Stream in Smith College, Kelly Aguilar
Race, Class, and Sexual Harassment in the 1970s, Carrie N. Baker
An Antidote for Isolation, Giovanna Bellesia and Victoria Offredi Poletto
Unconformities and Age Relationships, Tongue River and Older Members of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Western Williston Basin, U.S.A., Edward S. Belt, Joseph H. Hartman, John A. Diemer, Timothy J. Kroeger, Neil E. Tibert, and H. Allen Curran
Unfolding Smooth Prismatoids, Nadia Benbernou, Patricia Cahn, and Joseph O'Rourke
On the Number of Embeddings of Minimally Rigid Graphs, Ciprian Borcea and Ileana Streinu
The Clustering of Galaxies Around Three z ∼ 3 Damped Lyα Absorbers, Nicolas Bouché and James D. Lowenthal
The Welfare Implications of Increasing Disability Insurance Benefit Generosity, John Bound, Julie Berry Cullen, Austin Nichols, and Lucie Schmidt
The Cape Ann Plutonic Suite: A Field Trip for Petrology Classes, John B. Brady and John T. Cheney
40Ar/ 39Ar Ages of Metamorphic Rocks from the Tobacco Root Mountains Region, Montana, John B. Brady, Dana N. Kovaric, John T. Cheney, Lisa J. Jacob, and J. Toby King
Aragonite Pseudomorphs in High Pressure Marbles of Syros, Greece, John B. Brady, Michelle J. Markley, John C. Schumacher, John T. Cheney, and Grace A. Bianciardi
General Geology and Geochemistry of Metamorphosed Proterozoic Mafic Dikes and Sills, Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, John B. Brady, Heidi K. Mohlman, Caroline Harris, Sarah K. Carmichael, Lisa J. Jacob, and Wilfredo R. Chaparro
Real-time 4D Tumor Tracking and Modeling From Internal and External Fiducials in Fluoroscopy, Johanna Brewer, Margrit Betke, David P. Gierga, and George T.Y. Chen
Electrical Sustainability at Smith College: Student and Institutional Solutions, Bethany Burgee
Proposed First Year Seminar: Toward Sustainability, Beth Callaghan
Maintaining Stability with Distributed Generation in a Restructured Industry, Judith Cardell and Marija Ilic
Meridians 4:2, Myriam J.A. Chancy
Meridians 5:1, Myriam J.A. Chancy
La Descente d’Orphée aux Enfers, tragédie (1640), François de Chapoton and Hélène Visentin
Proterozoic Metamorphism of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, John T. Cheney, John B. Brady, Kara A. Tierney, Kathleen A. DeGraff, Heidi K. Mohlman, Jessica D. Frisch, Christine E. Hatch, Michael L. Steiner, Sarah K. Carmichael, Robin G.M. Fisher, Carrie B. Tuit, Kurt J. Steffen, Pamela Cady, Josh Lowell, LeAndra L. Archuleta, Jillian Hirst, Karl W. Wegmann, and Brian Monteleone
It IS Easy Being Green: Building a Sustainable Science Building on Smith College Campus, Northampton, MA, Allison Crosby
Geology of Long Island, Bahamas: A Field Trip Guide, H. Allen Curran, John E. Mylroie, Douglas W. Gamble, Mark A. Wilson, R. Laurence Davis, Neil E. Sealey, and Vincent J. Voegeli
Shallow-Water Coral Reefs in Transition: Examples from Belize and The Bahamas, H. Allen Curran, Paulette M. Peckol, Benjamin J. Greenstein, Shannon Ristau, and Susan DeYoung
Partitioning Regular Polygons Into Circular Pieces II: Nonconvex Partitions, Mirela Damian and Joseph O'Rourke
Getting Complements on your Mental State (Verbs), Jill de Villiers
Teaching High School Students to Teach Machines, Glenn W. Ellis and Baaba Andam
Inhomogeneous Fragmentation of the Rolling Tachyon, Gary Felder and Lev Kofman
Cajou's Reason: MichèLe Lacrosil and Post-War Intellectual Liberalism, Dawn Fulton
Vasoconstrictor Reserve and Sympathetic Neural Control of Orthostasis, Qi Fu, Sarah Witkowski, and Benjamin D. Levine
A 2-Chain Can Interlock With a k-Chain, Julie Glass, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, Jack Snoeyink, and Jianyuan K. Zhong
Holocene Tufa-Coated Serpulid Mounds From the Dominican Republic: Depositional and Diagenetic History, With Comparison to Modern Serpulid Aggregates From Baffin Bay, Texas, Bosiljka Glumac, Lisa Berrios, Lisa Greer, and H. Allen Curran
The Great Escape: Phosphorylation of Ena/VASP by PKA Promotes Filopodial Formation, Timothy M. Gomez and Estuardo Robles
Disposable Product Usage and Sustainability at Smith College, Caitlin Gossett
Environmental indicator proxies from a Mid-Holocene coral reef, Enriquillo Valley, Dominican Republic, Gala M.M. Guerard, Lisa Greer, and H. Allen Curran
Advances in the Geology of the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, and Their Implications for the History of the Northern Wyoming Province, Tekla A. Harms, John B. Brady, H. Robert Burger, and John T. Cheney
Going Slitless: Images of Forbidden Line Emission Regions of Classical T Tauri Stars Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope, Patrick Hartigan, Suzan Edwards, and Rachel Pierson
Building a Sustainable Science Center: The Monitoring and Use of Renewable and Efficient Energy, Jessica Hill
Scoring Error of Social Avoidance and Distress Scale and its Psychometric Implications, Stefan G. Hofmann, Patricia Marten DiBartolo, Robert M. Holaway, and Richard G. Heimberg
Silhouette Lookup for Automatic Pose Tracking, Nicholas Howe
Better Foreground Segmentation Through Graph Cuts, Nicholas Howe and Alexandra Deschamps
Improving the Boosted Correlogram, Nicholas Howe and Amanda Ricketson
Braneworld dynamics with the BRANECODE, Martin Johannes, Gary Felder, Andrei V. Frolov, Marco Peloso, and Lev Kofman
Precambrian Meta-Ultramafic Rocks from the Tobacco Root Mountains, Montana, Kathleen E. Johnson, John B. Brady, William A. MacFarlane, Rebecca B. Thomas, Chris J. Poulsen, and M. Jennifer Sincock
Bringing Sustainability Education into the High School, Julie Jonelis
Uncovering the Inner Power of Teachers' Lives: Towards a Learning Profession, Ora W.Y. Kwo and Sam M. Intrator
Critical Dynamics of Superconductors in the Charged Regime, Courtney Lannert, Smitha Vishveshwara, and Matthew P.A. Fisher
A Demonstration of Phonons That Implements the Linear Theory, Dietrich Lüerßen, Nalini Easwar, Ayesha Malhotra, Libby Hutchins, Kim Schulze, and Brandi Wilcox
Composting at Smith: Possibilities for the Future, Katie Marlowe
Parameterization and Validation of a Lumped Parameter Diffusion Model for Fuel Cell Stack Membrane Humidity Estimation#, Denise McKay and Anna Stefanopoulou
Biodiesel at Smith College: Getting the Ball Rolling, Miriam Mick
Talking When Talking is Tough: Taking on Conversations About Race, Sexual Orientation, Gender, Class, and Other Aspects of Social Identity, Joshua Miller, Susan Donner, and Edith Fraser
Reviewed Work(s): Architecture as Performance in Seventeenth-Century Europe: Court Ritual in Modena, Rome, and Paris by Alice Jarrard, John E. Moore
A Student Reference for Sustainability at UMass, Sabrina Morano
Still Playing with Fire: Intersectionality, Activism, and NGO-ized Feminism, Richa Nagar and Sangtin Writers
Computational Geometry Column 45, Joseph O'Rourke
The Structure of Optimal Partitions of Orthogonal Polygons into Fat Rectangles, Joseph O'Rourke and Geetika Tewari
Guarding the Next Generation: The Politics of Generativity, Bill E. Peterson
Effect of Zooid Spacing on Bryozoan Feeding Success: Is Competition or Facilitation More Important?, Marney C. Pratt
Tandem Intramolecular Nicholas and Pauson-Khand Reactions for the Synthesis of Tricyclic Oxygen-Containing Heterocycles, Miriam M. Quintal, Kristina D. Closser, and Kevin M. Shea
The Planet is not our Ashtray, Megan Quirk
"To Move People From Apathy": A Multi-Perspective Approach to Ethics Across the Engineering Curriculum, Donna Riley, Glenn Ellis, and Susannah Howe
Exploiting Untapped Resources: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Recovering Reusable Paper at Smith College, Meghan Riley
Population Recovery and Differential Heat Shock Protein Expression for the Corals Agaricia agaricites and A. tenuifolia in Belize, Martha L. Robbart, Paulette M. Peckol, Stylianos P. Scordilis, H. Allen Curran, and Jocelyn Brown-Saracino
AFDC, SSI, and Welfare Reform Aggressiveness: Caseload Reductions Versus Caseload Shifting, Lucie Schmidt and Purvi Sevak
Is Smith College fulfilling its obligation? An Inquiry into Environmental Awareness upon Graduation, Alicia L. Simonti
Dismantling Assumptions: Interrogating ‘Lesbian’ Struggles for Identity and Survival in India and South Africa, Amanda L. Swarr and Richa Nagar
Distinguishing Numbers for Graphs and Groups, Julianna Tymoczko
Simultaneous Measurement of Middle-Ear Input Impedance and Forward/Reverse Transmission in Cat, Susan E. Voss and Christopher A. Shera
The Construction of a Sustainable Science Building at Smith College: A Focus on the Sustainable Site and Materials & Resources, Amanda Wenczel
Marine Anthropogenic Debris Surveys on Hanna Bay and East Beaches, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, 1998–2004, Virginia White and H. Allen Curran
Filarial Genomics, Steven A. Williams
Spatial Updating of Virtual Displays During Self- and Display Rotation, Maryjane Wraga, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, and Dennis R. Proffitt
Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthase Does Not Alter Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation in Humans, Rong Zhang, Thad E. Wilson, Sarah Witkowski, Jian Cui, Craig G. Crandall, and Benjamin D. Levine
Contributions of Women Political Scientists to a More Just World, Martha A. Ackelsberg
The Zigzag Path of a Pseudo-Triangulation, Oswin Aichholzer, Günter Rote, Bettina Speckmann, and Ileana Streinu
The Zigzag Path of a Pseudo-Triangulation, Oswin Aichholzer, Günter Rote, Bettina Speckmann, and Ileana Streinu
The Foldings of a Square to Convex Polyhedra, Rebecca Alexander, Heather Dyson, and Joseph O'Rourke
Sustainable Transportation Options for Smith College, Jenica Ansanitis
A Dynamical System for Plant Pattern Formation: A Rigorous Analysis, Pau Atela, Christophe Golé, and S. Hotton
Clustering of Galaxies at z ∼ 3 Around the Probable Damped Lyα Absorber Toward QSO APM 08279+5255, Nicolas Bouché and James D. Lowenthal
Galaxies at Z = 3 Around Damped Ly-α Clouds, N. Bouché and James D. Lowenthal
Place, Jocelyn Brown-Saracino
Regularity of Minimizers of the Calculus of Variations in Carnot Groups via Hypoellipticity of Systems of Hörmander Type, Luca Capogna and Nicola Garofalo
The European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve, Stephen G. Cecchetti and Róisín O'Sullivan
Meridians 3:2, Myriam J.A. Chancy
Meridians 4:1, Myriam J.A. Chancy
Mind Your Own Business: The Trouble with Justice in Plato's Republic, John Patrick Coby
Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition Does Not Affect Regulation of Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity During Head-Up Tilt, Jian Cui, Rong Zhang, Thad E. Wilson, Sarah Witkowski, Craig G. Crandall, and Benjamin D. Levine
Complex Decapod Burrows and Ecological Relationships in Modern and Pleistocene Intertidal Carbonate Environments, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, H. Allen Curran and Anthony J. Martin
Partitioning Regular Polygons into Circular Pieces I: Convex Partitions, Mirela Damian and Joseph O'Rourke
Pushing Blocks is Hard, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Michael Hoffmann, and Joseph O'Rourke
Geometric Restrictions on Producible Polygonal Protein Chains, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, and Joseph O'Rourke
Interlocked Open and Closed Linkages with Few Joints, Erik D. Demaine, Stefan Langerman, Joseph O'Rourke, and Jack Snoeyink
Open Problems from CCCG 2002, Erik D. Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke
Sustainability and Environmental Curriculum How Does Smith Stack Up?, Sarah DiLaura
Authoritarianism as an Agent of Status Quo Maintenance: Women’s Careers and Family Lives, Lauren Duncan, Bill E. Peterson, and Erin E. Ax