The Paradise Pond Dredging Project from a Regulatory Perspecti ve, Jessie Gramling
Comparison of Recent Coral Life and Death Assemblages to Pleistocene Reef Communities: Implications for Rapid Faunal Replacement on Recent Reefs, Benjamin J. Greenstein, Lora A. Harris, and H. Allen Curran
The Completeness of the Pleistocene Fossil Record: lmplications for Stratigraphic Adequacy, Benjamin J. Greenstein, John M. Pandolfi, and H. Allen Curran
Experimental Evolution of Complexity: In Vitro Emergence of Intermolecular Ribozyme Interactions, Martin M. Hanczyc and Robert L. Dorit
Effect of Transatlantic Transport on Reproduction of Agouti and Nonagouti Deer Mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, Virginia Hayssen
The Paradise Pond Dredging Project, Jo Holbert
Avian Diversity and Land Use in Costa Rica, C.R., Alyssa House
Percentile Blobs for Image Similarity, Nicholas Howe
The Effects of Gain Sharing on the Basic Wage: The Case of IMPROSHARE, Roger T. Kaufman
Status of Coral Reefs in the Northern Areas of the Wider Caribbean, Judy Lang, Pedro Alcolado, Juan Pablo Carricart-Ganivet, Mark Chiappone, H. Allen Curran, Phil Dustan, Gudrun Gaudian, Francisco Geraldes, Steve Gittings, Robbie Smith, Wes Tunnell, and Jean Wiener
The Immunodominant Brugia Malayi Paramyosin as a Marker of Current Infection with Wuchereria bancrofti Adult Worms, Sandra Langy, Catherine Plichart, Patrick Luquiaud, Steven A. Williams, and Luc Nicolas
Near–Infrared Classification Spectroscopy: H–band Spectra of Fundamental MK Standards, Michael R. Meyer, Suzan Edwards, Kenneth H. Hinkle, and Stephen E. Strom
Ophiomorpha nodosa in Estuarine Sands of the Lower Miocene Calvert Formation at the Pollack Farm Site, Delaware, Molly F. Miller, H. Allen Curran, and Ronald L. Martino
Building Set Pieces in Eighteenth-Century Rome: The Case of the Chinea, John E. Moore
Reviewed Work(s): The City Churches of Christopher Wren by Paul Jeffery, John E. Moore
The Paradise Pond Dredging Project: Toxicology and Soil/Water Chemistry, Erik Nordman
The Paradise Pond Dredging Project With and Emphasis on Landscape Ecology, Carie Nyman
Computational Geometry Column 33, Joseph O'Rourke
The Vertex-Edge Visibility Graph of a Polygon, Joseph O'Rourke and Ileana Streinu
Analyzing Motivation and Realization, Bill E. Peterson
A New Genetic Locus in Sinorhizobium meliloti is Involved in Stachydrine Utilization, Donald A. Phillips, Eve S. Sande, J. A.C. Vriezen, Frans J. De Bruijn, Daniel Le Rudulier, and Cecillia M. Joseph
Analysis of the Proposed Dredging and Maintenance of Paradise Pond, Donna M. Roraback
Illumination by floodlights, William Steiger and Ileana Streinu
Beliefs In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Gail Steketee, Randy O. Frost, and Iris Cohen
Nodule Organogenesis and Symbiotic Mutants of the Model Legume Lotus japonicus, Krzysztof Szczyglowski, Robert S. Shaw, Judith Wopereis, Sue Copeland, Dirk Hamburger, Beth Kasiborski, Frank B. Dazzo, and Frans J. de Bruijn
Immunochemical and Immunocytochemical Identification of a Myosin Heavy Chain Polypeptide in Nicotiana Pollen Tubes, X. J. Tang, P. K. Hepler, and Stylianos P. Scordilis
Paradise Pond, Shelly Testerman
Ecological Effects of Major Storms on Coastal Watersheds and Coastal Waters: Hurricane Bob on Cape Cod, I. Valiela, P. Peckol, C. D'Avanzo, J. Kremer, D. Hersh, K. Foreman, K. Lajtha, B. Seely, W. R. Geyer, T. Isaji, and R. Crawford
Bahamian Coral Reefs Yield Evidence of a Brief Sea-Level Lowstand During the Last Interglacial, Brian White, H. Allen Curran, and Mark A. Wilson
Thermoregulation of Escherichia coil pap Transcription: H-NS is a Temperature-Dependent DNA Methylation Blocking Factor, Christine A. White-Ziegler, Melinda L. Angus Hill, Bruce A. Braaten, Marjan W. Van Der Woude, and David A. Low
La huella del tiempo y el retorno de lo pasado en la escritura fantástica de El cuarto de atrás de Carmen Martín Gaite, Silvia Berger
Circadian Phase Shifts to Neuropeptide Y in vitro: Cellular Communication and Signal Transduction, Stephany M. Biello, Diego A. Golombek, Kathryn M. Schak, and Mary E. Harrington
Operation and Control in a Competitive Market: Distributed Generation in a Restructured Industry, Judith Cardell and Richard Tabors
Improving Minority Class Prediction Using Case-Specific Feature Weights, Claire Cardie and Nicholas Howe
A Memorial and Dedication: Susan Jenks Gaffey (1946–1995), H. Allen Curran and Michael J. Gaffey
Guide to Bahamian Ichnology: Pleistocene, Holocene, and Modern Environments: A Field Trip Guide, H. Allen Curran, Brian White, and Mark A. Wilson
Ichnology of an Intertidal Carbonate Sand Flat: Pigeon Creek, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, H. Allen Curran and Austin B. Williams
Effects of Anxiety on Attentional Allocation and Task Performance: An Information Processing Analysis, Patricia Marten Dibartolo, Timothy A. Brown, and David H. Barlow
Authoritarianism and American Students' Attitudes about the Gulf War, 1990–1996, Richard M. Doty, Bill E. Peterson, and Markus Kemmelmeier
Authoritarianism and Gender Roles: Toward a Psychological Analysis of Hegemonic Relationships, Lauren Duncan, Bill E. Peterson, and David G. Winter
Comment on “Electronic Structure of Insulating Salts of the-(BEDT-TTF Family Studied by Low-Temperature Specific-Heat Measurements”, Nathanael Fortune and Yu V. Sushko
Perfectionism In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients, Randy O. Frost and Gail Steketee
Fernandez Bay, San Salvador, Bahamas: A Natural Laboratory for Assessment of the Preservation of Coral Reef Community Structure, Benjamin J. Greenstein, Lora A. Harris, and H. Allen Curran
How Much Ecological Information is Preserved in Fossil Coral Reefs and How Reliable is it?, B. J. Greenstein and H. Allen Curran
The Nature of Compact Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. II. Spectroscopic Properties and Implications for the Evolution of the Star Formation Rate Density of the Universe, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego, David C. Koo, Andrew C. Phillips, James D. Lowenthal, S. M. Faber, Garth D. Illingworth, and Nicole P. Vogt
Women's Reproductive Choices: The Impact of Medicaid Funding Restrictions, Deborah Haas-Wilson
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neurons Are Glucose Sensitive, Adam C. Hall, Roselle M. Hoffmaster, Edra L. Stern, Mary E. Harrington, and David Bickar
Victorian Bands and their Dissemination in the Colonies, Trevor Herbert and Margaret Sarkissian
Examining Locally Varying Weights for Nearest Neighbor Algorithms, Nicholas Howe and Claire Cardie
Greek Conceptions of Naming: Three Forms of Appropriateness in Plato and the Literary Tradition, Susan B. Levin
Keck Spectroscopy of Redshift z ∼ 3 Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field, James Lowenthal, David C. Koo, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego, Andrew C. Phillips, S. M. Faber, Nicole P. Vogt, Garth D. Illingworth, and Caryl Gronwall
The Panchromatic Starburst Intensity Limit at Low and High Redshift, Gerhardt R. Meurer, Timothy M. Heckman, Matthew D. Lehnert, Claus Leitherer, and James D. Lowenthal
Computational Geometry Column 32, Joseph O'Rourke
Vertex-Edge Pseudo-Visibility Graphs: Characterization and Recognition, Joseph O'Rourke and Ileana Streinu
The Nature of Compact Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field. I. Global Properties, Andrew C. Phillips, Rafael Guzmán, Jesús Gallego, David C. Koo, James D. Lowenthal, Nicole P. Vogt, S. M. Faber, and Garth D. Illingworth
An Account of the Systematic Error in Judging What Is Reachable, Philippe Rochat and Maryjane Wraga
Clusters of Stars, Ileana Streinu
Optical Rotation Curves of Distant Field Galaxies: Sub-L, Systems, Nicole P. Vogt, Andrew C. Phillips, S. M. Faber, Jesús Gallego, Caryl Gronwall, R. Guzmán, Garth D. Illingworth, David C. Koo, and James D. Lowenthal
Bahamian Sangamonian Coral Reefs and Sea-Level Change, Brian White, H. Allen Curran, and Mark A. Wilson
A Field Trip Guide to Sites of Geological Interest, Western New Providence Island, Bahamas, James L. Carew, H. Allen Curran, John E. Mylroie, Neil E. Sealey, and Brian White
A Group of Galaxies at Redshift 2.38, Paul J. Francis, Bruce E. Woodgate, Stephen J. Warren, Palle Møller, Margaret Mazzolini, Andrew J. Bunker, James D. Lowenthal, Ted B. Williams, Takeo Minezaki, Yukiyasu Kobayashi, and Yuzuru Yoshii
Allometry of Litter Mass in Bats: Maternal Size, Wing Morphology, and Phylogeny, Virginia Hayssen and T. H. Kunz
Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Confirmation of an Anterior Protein Pathway in Normal Rabbit Eyes, Nancy H. Kolodny, Thomas F. Freddo, Barbara A. Lawrence, Cristina Suarez, and Stephen P. Bartels
Interactive Effects of Inducible Defense and Resource Availability on Phlorotannins in the North Atlantic Brown Alga Fucus vesiculosus, P. Peckol, J. M. Krane, and J. L. Yates
The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale: Interview Versus Self-report, Gail Steketee, Randy Frost, and Karen Bogart
Spouse Enabling of Alcohol Abuse: Conception, Assessment, and Modification, Edwin J. Thomas, Marianne Yoshioka, and Richard D. Ager
A PCR Assay for the Detection of Wuchereria bancrofti in Blood, Min Zhong, James McCarthy, Lou Ann Bierwert, Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski, Suzanne Chanteau, Thomas Nutman, Eric A. Ottesen, and Steven A. Williams
Long-Term, Storm-Dominated Sediment Dynamics of East Beach and Sandy Point, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Rebecca L. Beavers, H. Allen Curran, and Willian T. Fox
A Note on Carnot Geodesics in Nilpotent Lie Groups, Christophe Golé and Ron Karidi
Review: Seeking Ezekiel: Text and Psychology by David Halperin, Joel Kaminsky
Three-Dimensional Fabry-Perot Imaging Spectroscopy of the Crab Nebula, Cassiopeia A, and Nova GK Persei, Stephen S. Lawrence, Gordon M. MacAlpine, Alan Uomoto, Bruce E. Woodgate, Larry W. Brown, Ronald J. Oliversen, James D. Lowenthal, and Charles Liu
The Lyman Continuum in Starburst Galaxies Observed with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope, Claus Leitherer, Henry C. Ferguson, Timothy M. Heckman, and James D. Lowenthal
Imaging the Host Galaxies of High-Redshift Radio-Quiet qSOs, James D. Lowenthal, Timothy M. Heckman, Matthew D. Lehnert, and J. H. Elias
Imaging and Spectroscopy of Damped Lyα Quasi-Stellar Object Absorption-Line Clouds, James Lowenthal, Craig J. Hogan, Richard F. Green, Bruce Woodgate, Adeline Caulet, Larry Brown, and Jill Bechtold
Identification and Localization of Three Classes of Myosins in Pollen Tubes of Lilium longiflorum and Nicotiana alata, D. D. Miller, Stylianos P. Scordilis, and P. K. Hepler
A Pseudo-Algorithmic Separation of Lines from Pseudo-Lines, William Steiger and Ileana Streinu
Feminist Generations: The Persistence of the Radical Women's MPhiladelphia : Temple University Pressovement, Nancy Whittier
The Cockburn Town Fossil Coral Reef and Modern Coral Reefs of Fernandez Bay, San Salvador Island, Bahamas: A Field Trip Guide, H. Allen Curran and Brian White
The Lyrics of the Trouvères: A Research Guide (1970–1990), Eglal Doss-Quinby
Additive Pulse Mode-Locking Using a Birefringent Optical Fiber, Sandra F. Feldman, B. A. Moore, Doreen A. Weinberger, and Herbert G. Winful
Dependent Arising and the Emptiness of Emptiness: Why Did Nāgārjuna Start with Causation?, Jay L. Garfield
Optical Hamiltonians and Symplectic Twist Maps, Christophe Golé
Periodic Orbits for Hamiltonian Systems in Cotangent Bundles, Christophe Golé
What We See and What We Don't See. Narrative Structure and the Ara Pacis Augustae, Barbara A. Kellum
Extraordinary Line-Emitting Knots in the Crab Nebula, Gordon M. Macalpine, Stephen S. Lawrence, Beth A. Brown, Alan Uomoto, Bruce E. Woodgate, Larry W. Brown, Ronald J. Oliversen, James D. Lowenthal, and Charles Liu
Laboratory Tests of a Motivational-Perceptual Model of Conflict Escalation, Bill E. Peterson, David G. Winter, and Richard M. Doty
Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and Reflectance in the Human Ear Canal, Susan E. Voss and Jont B. Allen
A Broad Book for a Brave Course (Review of Understanding Motivation and Emotion), David G. Winter and Bill E. Peterson
Molecular Phylogenetic Studies of the Genus Brugia, Hong Xie, O. Bain, and Steven A. Williams
Molecular Phylogenetic Studies on Filarial Parasites Based on 5S Ribosomal Spacer Sequences, Hong Xie, O. Bain, and Steven A. Williams
Long-Term, Seasonal, and Event-Driven Sediment Movement on East Beach, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Andrew L. Brill, H. Allen Curran, and William T. Fox
Socrates on the Decline and Fall of Regimes: Books 8 and 9 of the Republic, John Patrick Coby
The Health and Short-Term Change of Two Coral Patch Reefs, Fernandez Bay, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, H. Allen Curran, Durelle P. Smith, Lucy Chambers Meigs, Ann E. Pufall, and Mary Lisa Greer
Limits to Cosmic Background Radiation Fluctuations at 8.44 GHz Between Angular Scales 10″ and 200″, Edward B. Fomalont, R. Bruce Partridge, James D. Lowenthal, and Rogier A. Windhorst
Seasonal Sediment Migration and Sediment Dynamics on Sandy Point Beach, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, Nicholas T. Loizeaux, H. Allen Curran, and William T. Fox
Reviewed Work(s): The Villa as Hegemonic Architecture by Reinhard Bentmann, Michael Müller, Tim Spence and David Craven, John E. Moore
Authoritarianism and Attitudes Toward Contemporary Social Issues in the 1990s, Bill E. Peterson, Richard M. Doty, and David G. Winter
Sedimentology and Ichnology of Holocene Dune and Backshore Deposits, Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, Brian White and H. Allen Curran
Microjansky Source Counts and Spectral Indices at 8.44 GHz, Rogier A. Windhorst, Edward B. Fomalont, R. Bruce Partridge, and James D. Lowenthal
Feminist Analysis of Public Policy, Martha A. Ackelsberg